Searching Through the Storage Bins

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Sometimes I wish God would play a game of “Hot, Cold” with me.

“My dear child, you are warm….getting warmer…..oh no, now you are getting colder…colder….ice cold.  You are ice, ice cold, dear child….”

I have no idea where the item I am searching for is.  But I am certain HE knows.  And since He’s already watching me, couldn’t He just give me a few hints?

In the past week I have turned my house upside down trying to locate an old photo album.

It is a very special photo album.  It was given to me while I was pregnant with Bobby.

After Bobby’s birth I handpicked a select few photos in the first six months of his life that went into the album as photos I thought Bobby would like to see later in life.  A “highlight’s only” perspective.

And if memory serves me correctly, a very disgruntled three-year-old Catelyn wanted to know where HER special album was.  She knew right away something wasn’t right when I smiled and handed her our family photo album that held her first six months.  And eyed Bobby’s special photo album with much distaste.

(I, like many, saw a significant decrease in the number of photos I took of each subsequent child.  Bobby’s special photo album of “Highlights Only” pretty much summed up our family photo albums of Catelyn and Declan’s entire early development).

After watching Catelyn’s squinty, indignant eyes, I believe I hid Bobby’s special photo album.  But as she was only three years old, I believe I hid it somewhere around five feet off the ground.  You know, just out of climbing reach and geared destruction.

Now, I have come to request a photo from that album.  A special photo of Bobby’s baptism.

Bobby was baptized when we were all beginning to move away from polaroid’s and film and moving on to digital cameras.   You can see the images right away!  How cool is that!

I do not think I possessed one of these cameras at the time.  But someone did and was kind enough to get a picture of Bobby getting baptized.


That’s him right there.  Attached to the feet.

Now as Bobby goes through church confirmation a photo of his baptism has been requested to accompany a photo of his confirmation.

So, I hesitate with the one I have.  Of his feet.

Getting baptized CERTAINLY hits the “Highlight” mark.  I am certain I put one of these photos in his special baby book.  MAYBE it’s even one of his face?

But alas, I search and cannot find the photobook anywhere.

In the process of tearing my house apart I came across another special bin that made me take a step back.

The bin of soccer and baseball cleats I was saving for Declan to wear when it was his turn to play.

When Bobby was younger his feet grew a size with every season.  So, I collected his cleats for Declan to wear when he was ready.

I looked at the bin of cleats and started flipping through the sizes.  So many cleats.  Cleats Declan will probably never wear.

I realized life took an autism turn I hadn’t planned for.  Not only did I have a bin of cleats, I came across bins of baseball pants, socks, hockey gear, soccer shin guards, bags, balls.  I was prepared for Declan to play almost any sport.

But I didn’t need those sports bins.  I needed an autism bin.  And in my basement, I didn’t have one of those.

Going through those bins I noticed the life I planned for is different from the life I live.

Know what?  I love the life I live.  Just the way it is.

One thing I’ve learned?  Never say never.  Bobby’s feet are like paddles now in a men’s size 12.5.  Not that all his sports shoes are pass down worthy, but the ones that are will be there if Declan ever wants to wear them and play a sport.    

So, I didn’t throw out the sports bins.  I moved them to the side.

And continued my search for the special photo book.

“Am I warm yet, God?  Please?”

18 thoughts on “Searching Through the Storage Bins

  1. Not so unusual. I prepared for my oldest’s entry into the sports world and he went into acting, instead… He doesn’t even watch sports. I ran track and played football and baseball.

    Have you ever taken Declan running with you?

    1. We make our kids choose an activity for every season – so they have tried a lot of different sports through the years. Some stuck, some didn’t. And Cate added acting into her sports teams as well. But we always started with little league or little kickers soccer. Declan just wasn’t able to do those things then. He happily plays High-5 soccer now but doesn’t need any sports equipment. But maybe he will want to play on a rec team one day. I haven’t. He tires out pretty easily – he happily sits in a wagon on long walks.

  2. I think the true poignancy here is that…we would not change a thing. We have everything at the ready and all the tools for them to pursue their happinesses. We are prepared for everything, and learn to be prepared retroactively for the things we did not anticipate in life. And that becomes our present that we would not change, and the real success of guiding our kids.

    1. Yes, exactly! I wouldn’t change a thing and learned what I needed to so I could guide my kids the best way possible 🙂

    1. I hope so! I want to find it now just for the sake of finding it – it’s driving me bananas 🙂

  3. This is such a heart-warming post, Robyn. And it’s so true. I’ve known all kinds of people plan for their kids’ future, have all kinds of ideas about what they might be into and they’re bound to follow us in our dreams and ambitions. But no, autism or not, they’re their own little people and they’ll go their own way, thank you very much. I felt so happy for you when you said you love your life just the way it is. So do I. We rub along just fine as a family, and in many ways I’m glad Nathan is the way he is. It’s a good idea to keep the sports shoes just in case Declan comes to it, but as long as you feel the way you do it won’t matter one way or another. And that’s fine. What a cool mum you are! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Alli! Yes, I agree – they are their own little people with their own personalities, likes, dislikes and I want to support them to do whatever they want to. If Declan wants to play one day then I completely support. If he doesn’t – no big deal. I am so happy you love your life the way it is too. Thank you so much! I think you are a cool mum too! 🙂

      1. Thanks Robyn, that’s very kind. We clearly have the same philosophy. I’ve never seen the point of pushing anyway. Support, yes, but let them find their own way. I’ve never pushed my daughter in any career direction, and after a few twists and turns she’s discovered a passion that she wants to follow. I’m thrilled that she wants to follow my example into history, but she’s found her own niche and is crazy about maritime history. I’m so proud of her I could burst. And no pushing was required. 🙂

        1. That is so cool! I am so happy for you! My daughter enjoys writing which makes me secretly happy and hopeful she will pursue it as well. I’m not going to push either, but my fingers are crossed! 🙂

          1. That’s great, Robyn. Writing is such a creative and fulfilling path to take. It’s amazing what kids can achieve when they are allowed to find their own way. 🙂

  4. I will keep my fingers crossed that you find the photo. That must be so frustrating. It never fails to amaze me that a house can provide so many hidden corners and secret passageways to hide stuff you need to find, I’m still finding old clothes and shoes we kept.i think so many of us do it. At the very least they are great memories.

    1. I haven’t found my photo but have enjoyed looking at a lot of old photos – fun to remember myself and who I was then. Gosh, I feel so different now.

  5. Eli, who never played soccer until 7th grade, once bought a pair of cleats at a rummage sale. He wore them everywhere. When he tried to wear them to school, the principal called us at work to bring him different shoes. Declan doesn’t need to play soccer to enjoy his box of cleats.

  6. Aw; you made me cry. It’s true that life doesn’t turn out how you plan. -And, in fact, I can’t find the journals I made for each kid ANYWHERE!- But we keep plugging along.

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