Enjoying the Magic of Christmas

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Declan does not like to be alone.


When I sit at my computer, he bounces on his trampoline three feet away.

He will go to bed when I do and sleep on a mattress by my side.

When I take a shower he patiently waits outside the door with the dog until I am done.

I listen to the trampoline squeak three feet away when I try to watch TV at night after Declan has rolled it in beside me.

Reading time for me includes a YouTube video for him.

Running on the treadmill for me with a lay in the hammock next to me for him.

We brush his teeth together.

Declan works on a reward chart at school – his prize?  Playing Uno or reading a story with me.

There is rarely a moment in the house that I have a free minute to myself.  I have come to accept a four-foot shadow everywhere I go.

Which is fine.  His presence usually coincides with me gaining a new tidbit of knowledge I did not posses before about weather, planets, dinosaurs, sea creatures…which is told in a way that always brings a smile to my face.

But at one time of year, I face a challenge!

How am I supposed to get ready for Christmas?!

Like everybody else, I fit the Christmas gift details in between all our family’s regular standard programming (thank goodness for online shopping!).

And since I need to be done Santa-ing by the last day of school – before my four-foot shadow returns to my side every waking minute – I really covet the hours Declan is at school.

Yet, with two days left (and what feels like still, a mountain of Christmas/Santa prep) I volunteered to be the parent helper in Declan’s classroom during learning centers.

The school decided to be merry and bright this last week of learning and created a theme for each day.

Today’s theme?  To wear a holiday embellishment.

I was surprised Declan wanted to wear anything.  He still won’t wear a character t-shirt, or even one with his beloved Orca – ANYTHING that will draw attention to himself.

But today?  He wanted to go for the full gusto.  A Santa hat with reindeer antlers.

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He loved his flair.  Declan gave a great big smile this morning when the bus driver welcomed “Rudolph” on board.  And when I entered his classroom to volunteer, I saw Mr. Rudolph sitting patiently waiting for me to go to his learning center with the same great big smile on his face.

It was equally fun to look around the room to see the other great big smiley holiday headbands, hats and faces.  Each bursting with Christmas excitement.

As I sat to listen to each of them read to me in center, I also got a few to give me a whispered earful of exciting holiday plans!

Rushing around to get everything done, sometimes the magic of Christmas gets lost.  My older children no longer believe in Santa Claus.  There is a present, but the magical fun of Christmas is lost on them.

Catelyn didn’t feel like dressing up today.  She had fluffy red deer ears to wear but decided last-minute they didn’t go with her outfit.  She left for school with a shrug.

But being around all those young smiley faces today – I absorbed their Christmas fever!

I don’t want to take away from the meaning of Christmas – that message is being passed down as well in our house.

But the magic of Christmas is still alive in my young one.  And it’s a lot of fun!

So, I have two-day to finishing gifts and wrapping – all my Santa work.  And then I am going to enjoy the magic of Christmas with my four-foot shadow, and wonder Christmas morning if Santa liked our cookies or not 😊

21 thoughts on “Enjoying the Magic of Christmas

  1. Lovely photo. I can relate to the shadow, Mines a 5ft shadow now. When I go to the bathroom I can hear our son and dog sat outside. It’s getting better can go in a separate room without being followed but he will call out every few minutes to make sure I’m still there. Hope you get the presents wrapped up. Our son’s been off so mine are still unwrapped and the clock is ticking.

    1. Yes! I can go a few feet away and if there is a wall separating us he will call for me – just to see if I am still right there. Thank you! You too! Must be a challenge as well with him home now!

  2. I’m sitting doing some cookies to send to school. It’s a funny pastime for an adult. But, left in my son’s hands, no cookies would make it to school.

    My son is unlikely to wear his Santa hat to school tomorrow. But I sewed the white trim back on, just in case I’m wrong!

    Happy holidays to our special guys!

  3. If your kids all read the Sunday funny papers, they might stop believing in Santa. Was at my father’s parents house one day and they left the funny papers on the kitchen table. Who would have suspected a 3 year old to be able to learn something from the Sunday comics? Have younger brothers, so mom made me promise not to share this info with them.

  4. I think that I would agree that the spirit of Christmas is alive in all those young faces and their smiles. I love Declan’s photo in those fabulous glasses!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I am behind and playing catch up. Hope all is well with you and that you had a very happy New Year as well!

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