Back on Track

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“Did you write the letter?” Declan asked, eyes wide.

“What letter?”

“The letter to Santa Claus!  The one where you were going to tell him that even though I did some bad things this year, that I was still trying really hard?”

I looked at the fear in the eyes before me and nodded my head.

“Yes, I wrote the letter.  Although I told Santa that I thought you were a very good boy.”

Shoulders relaxed in relief. Declan went on his way.



So much trash.

In the last two weeks of December I become hypervigilant about one thing.


What can be recycled?  What can be squished down a little farther to make a little more room in our can?

And honestly, I eye each person that comes to our house in those weeks and wonder, “Can I ask THIS person to take a bag of trash with them when they leave?”

Because if the trash doesn’t fit in the toter outside when the trash truck comes, then it goes later.

Christmas presents for three kids.  Christmas cooking, baking, eating.

New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day – food, food, food!  In boxes, containers and wrappers.

And THEN – throw in two birthday’s, Bobby and Catelyn’s.  Birthday parties, birthday presents – and yes!  MORE food!

In the last two weeks of December our trash and recycling cans are practically overflowing.  I have calculated how to put the trash in to get the maximum amount inside.  And then keep my fingers double crossed in hopes the wind does blow open an elevated lid to make me run up and down the street collecting my family’s debris from a neighbor’s yard.

It’s a busy time of year.  It is a FUN time of year.

And since Santa saw Declan tried hard this year, he made sure Declan and the other kids had a wonderful Christmas.  And with New Years and the birthdays – there was a whirlwind of celebration.

But all good things come to an end.

Although I get my trash space back, the kids go back to school – much to Declan’s dismay.

This morning I carried the laundry basket down the stairs with a four-foot-tall shadow behind me.

“I don’t want to go back,” Declan sniffled.

He walked into the kitchen and curled into his Dad’s lap while Dad ate his breakfast.

“I don’t want to go back,” he cried.

Dad went to work, and I went to my treadmill for my morning run.  A four-foot-tall little boy wrapped himself as tight as he could in the hammock next to me and teared, “I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK!”

Counter points raised to remember the fun of school while getting Declan dressed and brushing his teeth were met with his reminders why school was awful.

And so, he whimpered as I gave him hugs while we waited for the inevitable bus to take him to school.

Going to school on any given day is a challenge.  Having to transition from his home and preferred activities to school where he feels there is an entire list of challenges and non-preferred activities is hard.

And after being off from school for the last eleven days, well, this transition was going to be a hard one.

I am hopeful he catches the school groove.  Before the break he wasn’t crying everyday about school.  He hadn’t necessarily been eager to go, but it was accepted.  And there were even days he came home with a smile.

But right now, my words fall short in giving him comfort about school.  There are no counterpoints I can make that he will believe.  So, until we can reach that comfort zone again, I’ve got lots of hugs ready to give.

17 thoughts on “Back on Track

  1. The worst is when Christmas falls on trash day and you have to keep nine bags of wadded wrapping paper for five days. Your house looks like the airport in The Fifth Element…

    1. Exactly! i end up trying to find storage spaces to put trash so I don’t have to keep looking at it!

  2. Hugs are probably the best answer. Just before Christmas our grandson had a meltdown before the bus came to take him to JK. My daughter tried to give him some comfort. His Dad came in and the little guy ran to him and said :” Dad, I’m having a bad day.” He did get on the bus and once he came home it turned out he had a good day at school. He told our daughter that he had been upset in the morning because he had been waiting for a long time to wear his Santa Claus t shirt and when he got it on it was too small. It is tough being a kid sometimes. For Declan the challenges of school must seem very big to him and maybe he just feels tired just thinking about them. Anyway. Happy New Year to year to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Anne! I agree – it is hard being a kid sometimes. Thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family as well!

    1. Aww, thanks Elaine – he did okay. Much better send off today – he wanted to wear fake glasses because he felt he looked smart in them. Was kind of cute watching him get on the bus with his head tilted back with a big smile on 🙂

  3. I really hope it went ok for the little fella. It’s so tough. It breaks your heart to see them not wanting to go to something which is such a big part of their life’s. Just wish the days they came back with a smile was much larger, like everyday. I’m not sure what you can say that works. I sometimes wish school would organise something really fun for the kids on the first day back.

    I spent an hour bagging up all the waste and carefully put in in the correct position. Unfortunately I used the wrong bags (news to me) and they refused to take it. So it’s a trip to the skip. Deep Joy.

    1. He was pretty quiet when he came home – just went right to his trampoline and worked it all out. Went off much better today – he decided to wear fake glasses because he felt they made him look smart. Watching him walk around with his head tilted back, smiling was pretty cute.
      Ugh – that stinks! I always hate when they won’t take something. Or there are times they will take something, but are mad about it and put a GREAT BIG red sticker on the can to let you (and all the neighbors) know you fouled somehow. It’s like wearing the scarlet letter.

  4. Did you like returning to school after the holidays? I personally prayed for it to occur sooner. Hated staying home. At least at school got to experience small successes!

  5. We’ve had trash issues too, especially since we’re taking this time to sort through everything in the kids’ rooms. I hope Declan does ok going back to school. I for one will have a tough time going back to work! 😊 I feel for him!

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