Would You Rather…More Sleep? Yes Please! Autism and Sleep Issues

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Have you ever played the “Would You Rather“ game?

It is a game where two options are provided, and you must choose one over the other.  There are some options that are more horrible than others, but the game really makes you think (and laugh).

My husband and I actually met each other playing this game with mutual friends.

The question we still laugh about that was asked to my husband that night was:

“Would you rather live in a world without beer or condiments.”

Unwilling to admit at the time that he has issues with food and doesn’t eat ANY condiments he chose beer.  He figured it was better that I didn’t think he was a lush rather than some weird guy with food issues.

I eventually learned about the food issues and STILL ended up marrying the weird guy.

I was thinking about this game again recently when I was pondering a question of my own in my head.

“Would you rather be tired all the time, or hungry?”

Me?  I’d rather be hungry.  Because I go into full scale cranky toddler mode when I am tired.

When it comes to me and my need for sleep, I am at a small disadvantage.  I have a child with sleep issues, so therefore, I am tired.

The statistics are all over the place, but if you have a child on the spectrum, there’s a REALLY GOOD chance you know what I am talking about here.

When our kids were babies, my husband and I subscribed to the “cry it out“ method to help them learn to sleep through the night – which really worked well for our older two.

(How we kept Catelyn in her room when she went to her big girl bed – it worked!)


This method was lost on Declan.  He just wasn’t tired.  And I soon realized if I heard him awake in his room and he wasn’t crying to get out, I had every reason to be concerned with what he was in to.

To make matters worse, at 18 months of age Declan started throwing himself out of his crib.

You can imagine the difficult situation we were faced with.  Declan was too young for a bed, but the crib was no longer safe to put him in at night.

And Declan wasn’t diagnosed yet.  I was just one tired Mom trying to find a way to get some sleep!

We tried everything but nothing was working.  We were left with a last resort.  With the Dr.’s permission, we emptied his room of everything except his bed and a hanging nightlight, reversed the handle and locked him in his room at night.

(With frequent checks when it was quiet – that is kind of on the bed, right?)

The 2, 3, 4 AM banging on his door didn’t stop.  It was causing a family of grumpbots to emerge each morning, so when the banging started, I began just taking Declan downstairs – for me to chase around until he eventually wound down.

Over the years we’ve added and changed patterns to his routine to help Declan sleep through the night.  I kept a sleep journal.  Natural sunlight during the day.  Deep pressure, the weighted blanket, no screen time before bed, co-sleeping and even increasing his dosage of Melatonin.

But alas, sleep issues still reign.  3, 4, 5 AM wake ups are not uncommon.  And becoming a factor.

At Declan’s IEP meeting last week the team members all voiced one major concern.

“Throughout the day he will fall asleep, sometimes for an hour or two.”

His first year of all-day school.  His first year of no breaks in his day.

His first year where his sleep issues are popping through the seams.

Not one to nap, this behavior is new to Declan.  He must really be tired.  Which will factor in when I return to the drawing board – and try to figure out what to try next to help him get a good night’s rest!

26 thoughts on “Would You Rather…More Sleep? Yes Please! Autism and Sleep Issues

  1. This must be so tough for you and Declan. We had similar issues. Tried everything except sleep medication. The one thing that didn’t work was trying to go for a quiet time before bed. Never worked. Now we try to keep busy as possible right up to bed time then try to get into bed as quick as possible. Probably stay up maybe an hour later than usual. But would love to hear any ideas you have.

    1. Yes! I was getting a lot of questions about our sleep routine from the people there – and the same. Yes, he has his device – but he is jumping on his trampoline listening to his music (the President’s song) not watching it. Lots of heavy play before bed. We have maxed out on Melatonin – the Dr. says the next step is sleeping medicine which I would prefer not to do. But the Dr. does support natural supplements like Melatonin – so I found one that has Magnesium and 5HTP in it as well to help – hope to get that one delivered soon. Also just being outside and being in the sun – helping his body produce its own Melatonin (I feel) has helped us a little. And we end up co-sleeping a lot, Declan and I. When he is next to a person in bed he seems to sleep a lot better. Its just getting him in his own bed the next day which can be hard. Yet, there are still days he is up at 3 – happened again yesterday – and I’m shrugging because I thought I did everything right. So tough!

  2. Ben takes meds and still has sleep issues. He has never napped. Never! It doesn’t affect his behavior and it’s random.
    Would he be interested in audiobooks? That might be something that he could do quietly when he wakes up. Maybe ease him back to sleep?

    I’ve lived in very little sleep for over thirty years…May your time be less🍀💌

    1. Declan rarely ever napped – he would fall asleep on some car rides but not much else. So this behavior is weird. I told him he wasn’t allowed to sleep in school anymore – I was thinking since he doesn’t like school was this just a ploy to “get out of going” kind of thing. He said okay, but then he had a bad night of sleep – we played musical beds – and he fell asleep at school for ten minutes during learning centers. Audio books may be a great idea. He’s a total non-fiction guy and may really enjoy listening to information about Presidents or animals. Thanks for the tip! (And wishes 🙂 )

  3. Oh my this is a challenge.It is so hard as Declan need the sleep or he would not be falling asleep in school. I hope that someone can give you some suggestions about how to help him.

  4. Talking now from my personal experience and continued poor quality sleep post surgery I have found just how draining it can be. Hopefully when the structure in Declan’s day changes he will eventually change too 😬 failing that Robyn you will come up with a solution, you always do 🌹

  5. I really feel for you, Robyn. I’d rather go hungry than without sleep too. Reading this has made me realise how lucky we are with Nathan because he sleeps normally. The only sleep problem now is mine – I’m getting insomnia because I’m hard into my revision for my exam in a couple of weeks’ time, so I’m awake a lot of the time with Latin grammar running through my mind! So I’m now reminded of what it’s like to be sleep deprived! I hope a solution can be found so it settles down for you. 🙂

    1. Oh no! I can’t imagine being haunted by Latin grammar in my sleep. I am hopeful you find some good sleep too, Alli! 🙂

      1. Thanks Robyn. So do I. I’m exhausted! I hope you, and Declan, get some good sleep too. 🙂

  6. My oldest would throw himself over the railing of his crib. It made a horrible thud. Usually, he managed to read me to sleep, then spend time with his mother. He lives with me in his twenties and still doesn’t get to bed until two o’clock in the morning…

  7. I remember reading a new mom book that actually advised finding a compelling hobby because the baby would sleep 14 or more hours a day. Hah! Five hours in a row was a vacation for many, many years!

    One of the challenging things about this diagnosis is that each child is so unique… We did find that diet had a big effect on sleep (eggs and dairy were our definite disrupters), and that outdoor exercise seemed to help…but the evening routine that was to be so magical never worked for us, either…

    1. Yes, Declan has an issue with dairy as well. But I didn’t think about it effecting his sleep – I will definitely keep my eyes out for that if some gets pass me and into his belly. Same with outdoor exercise here too. I swear I have tried so many different ways for him to get a good night sleep – I just can’t figure out the formula! The only thing I know – some nights are good, some nights are bad no matter what I do.

      1. The only thing I can remember that really worked was reading…for a loooong time. We read lots of chapter books at bedtime…until I was nodding off over the pages and finally Jim would settle in. But I am sure you do that anyway! Good luck…and they do outgrow it!!!

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