What’s Happening?

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Alright, alright…just five more minutes and then I will get up.  What is today…Saturday?  Darn!  Not Saturday.  Tuesday, today’s Tuesday.  Oh, Declan goes to school in the AM not the PM today.  I got to start prompting him as soon as I see him to remind him his schedule is different.  What else….Cate has soccer tonight.  I need to mow.  Grocery store.  Can I do that after I drop the kids off?  I need to remind Cate she is staying with Declan until she can take him to his classroom this morning.  I wonder if she is feeling better?  She’s okay to go to school.  I need to register Bobby for those summer camps.  I wonder if I can find one for D…What time is it now?  Okay, two more minutes…Shhh, mind, shhhh……The dog.  I need to give the dog all her pills.  Darn dog and her pills…….  I’ll do my run first.  After coffee.


It’s the end of the school year, which is a busy time of year.  Everyday has something unique or different about it for at least one child.  And when there is down time, it gets filled with regular and not so regular life events.

I have watched the word prompts come and go – and I see they are really going for good now.  Bummer.  Many days I felt a word prompt sparking a post.  I would write down my idea – but not get much farther.  I must have four or five posts started at this point but not finished.

Cause it is the end of the school year and there is an event every day for at least one child.  And then regular and not so regular life events fill the gaps.

So, this is a catch-up post.  Cause lots has been happening.

Not so regular life event – the dog tore her ACL.  What?!  They do that!?  Yes.  Yes they do.  Guess what else I learned?  THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Never have I ever had this happen to any dog in my life.  But when I lament that our dog tore her ACL, lots pipe up, “My dog did that too!  Gosh, that is EXPENSIVE!”

Guess what?  A torn ACL on a dog is EXPENSIVE.  I am now the proud owner of a dog with a plate in her leg acting as her ACL.  I am also the proud owner of dog that now has doggie insurance (cause I have also learned – she is very likely to tear the other one).

Was there an accident?  How did she do that?

No – my dog gets excited when there are bugs moving.  Leaves falling.  And people within a mile radius of her.  Because of course they want to love her.  And she wants to love them!  So when my neighbor came out to mow his lawn – paying no attention to Molly – Molly was thrilled beyond measure and began to dance around.  Then she came in with a limp.  And a diagnosis of cruciate tear.


And any hope I had of updating that 1985 linoleum floor she is laying on just went out the window – for a long time.

The kids are growing up, moving up – doing it all!

Bobby had his first school dance.  Not currently dating, he went with the boys.  After the dance I asked Bobby if any of the boys danced.  Only one.  The rest of the boys spent the night doing weird dances to chase the girls away.

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(Mental note – 12-year-old girls still have cooties to 12 year old boys).

Cate started playing drums this year.  Also should mention – Cate stopped playing drums this year.  She hated them!  But did do well at her school band performance.

Catelyn had field day – lots of fun with friends which makes me happy!


Declan visited the cafeteria for the first time.  Since he is in afternoon kindergarten now, he doesn’t eat at school.  So they give the kids a chance to experience the cafeteria one day.  And he thought it was funny!  His report – the food was gross (“BLEH!!”) although he was able to stomach an apple and apple juice.


Guess we are packing lunches next year!

We spent Memorial Day weekend at the soccer fields for a final soccer tournament of the year for Bobby, which is always a fun time.




And today, Declan went to school in the morning for a play.  And also reported “We got to play on the FIRST GRADE PLAYGROUND!  Not the KINDERGARTEN one, the FIRST GRADE one!”

Tomorrow Bobby goes to the middle school to see what 7th grade looks like.  Cate has a soccer practice with one team and a soccer game with another.

And I have Declan’s IEP meeting.

I am strangely calm.  I believe there will be a small shift of services, but nothing drastic.  They want him to do the extended school year, which I agreed to.  I feel they all have Declan’s best interests in mind – we all do, which leads to my calmness.  So that is good!

Until then, this is where we have been.  And someday soon I will push out those other posts.  And updates on the IEP –

Keep you posted!

14 thoughts on “What’s Happening?

  1. Wow! You have a very busy family! I remember when the munchkin was Declan’s age. 😂 the munchkin was and is still a very picky eater (he is a straight up carnivore). Looking forward to more posts. 😊

  2. You *have* been busy! I actually just checked your site earlier today to see if I missed something while I was sick😄. One thing I love about Ben’s new school is the school year runs til August. Then they take about three weeks off. No long summer break or new summer school teacher. Cate was awesome on drums, girl’s got rhythm! And WOW for Declan getting to play on the first grade playground! Actually, it’s really awesome that he understands that’s a big deal, like his NT peers. I have never heard of a dog with a torn ACL. Maybe because all my dogs have been mutts??
    Hang in there my friend🏋💌💌💌

    1. That is awesome about Ben’s school! That schedule is fantastic- way better than it was at his old school! Yeah, Cate did really good – considering she never practiced 🙂 I think that is why she hated them so much. She didn’t want to practice and the band leader could tell 🙂 I know! Rarely does he tell me stuff – so for this to come out it was a BIG deal – I am so glad he shared with me! My gosh this dog…she’s a learning experience for me too! Thank you! You too my friend!

  3. Overtaken by life! I’m counting down to the end of school. I may be able to start up a morning-writing routine. curioussteph.com is considering starting up a daily prompt. Might be something to check out.

  4. You have been busy! I was wondering if I had missed any post so would check every other day. Bobby, Cate and Declan are doing great. God bless them.
    How’s the dog now?

    1. Thank you! The dog is doing well – she thinks she is fine. She has major limitations for 12 weeks and I am already finding it hard to keep her from doing stairs or running. And then – there was a fly in the house the other day. Her tail just started thumping on the ground she was so excited to chase it! I had to hunt that fly down and get rid of it before she tried 🙂 Thanks for asking!

  5. Hope IEPs went well.l. Always good when everyone is on same page with child’s best interest at heart. Mine just finished his first year at an online-based physical school. First year that we haven’t had some sort of difficulty or struggle. Does he love school? No!, but he’s doing good here.

    1. Thank you, Tena! That is great to hear that he did well (even though he doesn’t like it 🙂 )

  6. You had a much calmer Memorial Day weekend than we did! My husband managed to get extremely overheated at work Sunday night rode his motorcycle home. Took a quick shower then came upstairs to make himself supper. He got it down. Then started feeling like he was going to faint.

    I gave him a bottle of water to drink down. He finished it off and then went into the upstairs bathroom to relieve himself. The cat popped his head in to make sure everything was all right (the animal doesn’t normally do that with him – should have been my first clue). Then my husband came out of the bathroom and slowly lowered himself to the floor.

    Asked him if he was O.K. He said he just felt like he was going to faint. Started going through the F.A.S.T list for stroke and heart attacks. His face passed all the inspection points. His Arm was questionable. His speech was beginning to get strange. I asked him if he wanted to call 911 to get help. His reply was YES!

    Had the fire department, police, and ambulance through our front door in less than 5 minutes! They got an IV started before they left. He spent 2 days in the hospital. He had come down with his yearly sinus infection the week before. Took his final pill from the prescription given to him by his doctor. Apparently, it hadn’t worked this year. He had sepsis! Death was a possibility if he had not gone to the hospital.

    Happy to say that he is doing much better now. He is at his doctor for a follow up after being released from the hospital. He has a strange work schedule. His work week starts on Friday and he works every day until his next weekend which starts on Tuesday. Have my fingers crossed he get approved to return to work tomorrow!

    1. My word! I’ll say ours was much calmer! I am so gad your husband is okay! That you were there to get him help – wow! Here’s hoping he does continue to have a speedy recovery and is all well soon! Thinking of you guys!

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