The “Man’s” Meal

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The “no more’s”

The Exersaucer


The bouncy chair

The baby swing


Pack N Plays

Baby food

Plastic Sporks

The plastic toy kitchen

The train table/tracks

The high chair

The MONSTER stroller

The baby car seat/carrier

Umbrella strollers

Walking around with a baby monitor


Cabinet locks

Medicine droppers

Potty Chairs


And now…..

The Happy Meal?!?


I was sitting in the McDonald’s drive thru the other day with Declan in the backseat.  And it was a big day, because my little man didn’t want the Happy Meal.

Instead, he asked for the “man’s” meal.  The 10-piece chicken nugget meal on the big menu.

This turned out to be something that really struck me.

No more…Happy Meal?  Where’s my little boy?

When I had my first baby, Bobby, the pediatrician told me – you will know him best.  I took care of my baby, watched him grow.  Figured out what he liked and what he didn’t.  I learned his sleep routine, his nap schedule.  I followed it.  It was true – I had him figured out the best.

Then one day he hated playing with the pots.  Another day he stopped napping.  And eventually, he didn’t like those little teething biscuits anymore.

The funny part about parenting to me is how the kids change.  I mean, it always seemed once I had them figured out – their schedules, routines, preferred items for whatever – once I thought I had it all figured out – they change!

It’s not always for the bad.  After I ordered the “man’s” meal, I started to think of all the things that I am glad I don’t have to deal with anymore.  The “no more” list.

So, I started naming them in my head.  The big bulky “must have’s” of parenting.  Those things that helped ensure you weren’t going to break your new baby.  Maybe you didn’t NEED all the items, but they sure did help.

I thought about the few things we haven’t aged out of.  I still grab a teether or chew toy for Declan when I catch him chewing wires or furniture.  I still must be with Declan at a playground, pool or a friend’s house 1/1.  And sippy cups have just left use, but not the house in case we go back.

And I don’t think Spongebob or Disney will ever leave our TV (which I am kinda okay with – I don’t mind the little sponge or all those songs).

There are things I do miss.  I miss toting a baby in the front pack.  I miss footie pajamas.  All those cute little dresses.  The sounds of a toddler enjoying a cookie snack.  And soft little hairless heads (my babies were bald for the first year).

I don’t know – somehow the moment of ordering the “man’s” meal put it all in perspective.  Kids change!  I may have them figured out today, but tomorrow is a new day and has the potential to hold completely different likes, dislikes and plans.  Who knows?

And, most of all,  my baby is growing up!

23 thoughts on “The “Man’s” Meal

  1. Awww, you brought back memories for me. Though some of these are still in use in my household ESPECIALLY Happy meal! 😀😀They do change and the next thing you know, they are in high school. But I understand that feeling, we never realise as parents that everyday these children are growing. Well done to your growing ‘man’.

    1. You’re right! It feels like just yesterday mine were babies – goes by fast! Glad I could bring back some memories 🙂 It was fun to remember all those things we used to do or use!

  2. Wonderful! My daughter has just enrolled her son in JK. She found it difficult as it meant he was making a journey to a new and “older” time of his little life. But every stage is a good stage. At least that’s how i remember it. Even teenagers have benefits.they are difficult and can be areal worry but they also begin to emerge as fascinating adults.

    1. Oh, I am scared of the teen years! I feel I will be a great big worry wart – but that is a great way to think about it – emerging as fascinating adults. Good luck to your daughter and her son on their next step!

  3. “Man meal” 😂😂 that’s hysterical! I see little ones when I’m running errands, usually the grocery store, and I think “WOW, I forgot how little they can be”. Ben will be 10 in less than 4 months😯They do grow fast! It’s nice to say goodbye to some of their accessories though. Pull-ups finally, finally left our house👍

    1. Yay!! That is really awesome to hear about the pull-ups! Awesome! Yeah, I had to really think about the things the kids used to use or play with – and how little they were! Crazy! I was laughing too – he was so serious, nodding his head with a furrowed brow – “I want the Man’s Meal. I’m a man now…” So funny 🙂

  4. My 10 year old just changed to Wendy’s 4 for 4 meal and it is a strange but proud time when she did it and her little sister got the kids meal with a toy. No arguing about a toy!

  5. Awww! You reminded me when my son was a little boy! Just as you think you have figured them out, they spring a surprise. Thanks for the share Robyn. 💕

  6. Hi Robyn. Children do grow up fast and more and more independent. My son’s have both left home and it seems unbelievable to me sometimes that they no longer depend on me for anything. Except unconditional love of course! Have a great weekend with your three men and one young lady.

  7. At least all he wanted was more food! Happy meals never filled me up, I gave up on them by the time I started kindergarten at age 4. Hope he had healthy sides with his meat choice. Maybe a nice fruit and a few fries?

    1. He loves his fries! With the man’s meal now, he won’t get fruit like he did in the happy meal – they should make that an option!

  8. Robyn,
    Love this post! Love the list at the beginning! Love that Declan wants a man’s meal now! Love that it is good for him, good for you!

    On the other hand, Robyn, a “man’s meal” is still a Happy Meal because the old saying is the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! That’s a Happy Meal definition! 😉 Peace to you, your family, and your man meal eating Declan!

    1. Hahaha…you’re right! He is very happy with his meal – and even happier it is bigger! Still a happy meal 🙂 Thank you, Jeff!

  9. I’ve been feeling this too! Now that my kids are older I can start leaving them home alone which gives me more freedom…And yet sometimes I miss having that excuse that forces them to go with me. They’re pulling away. I know this is a good thing but it’s definitely bittersweet.

    1. Bittersweet – yes! I miss some things and it just points out to me how things are changing! Happy/sad parenting moment 🙂

  10. When my kids stopped getting the kids meal, what struck me was… how expensive it got to go out to dinner. There are few things I miss from when they were little, but I do mourn the fact that they’ll be out of the house soon–Sophie at least.

  11. Hello Robyn

    My heartfelt thanks to you for following my blog, and for all the likes & comments!And hope we continue to grow and support each other in this journey!

    Also, my blog A Wayward Scribbles reached the milestone of 500+ followers last month and I thought why not celebrate it!

    So, I’m very excited to personally invite you to my blog party(23 May, 2018), since you’re one of those amazing blogger who chose to follow my blog and I would love to show my gratitude!

    See you at the party!

  12. I’ve found every age to be good and bad… none more so than any other. Mine are “adults”, now; and, their problems are way more complicated, but I had complicated problems at their age as well. Don’t dread the teen years… that’s when you start seeing how they are going to turn out…

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