Spammed and Spiderman

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WordPress has got me down.

Iโ€™m not sure why, but I am unable to comment on other blogs.  WordPress is requiring me to comment as a guest and THEN requiring me to log in to WordPress with each attempt.  And then, my comment is not appearing.  It took me a bit (and I would like to apologize to the blog where I attempted to comment and left multiple versions of the same comment) but I think (and hope) that my comments are just hitting your spam folders.

Also, I notice that I like a post and will see later that my like is not there. 

Iโ€™ve checked my site โ€“ one minute my plugins are there, the next they arenโ€™t and then they are back again stating they never left. Tricky plugins….ย 

King Benโ€™s Grandma tagged me a while back to give a quote on confusion.ย  I think this situation is perfect, so here you go:

I am utterly confused and am hoping this glitch will disappear as fast as it appeared.

To leave things on a lighter note, I am happy to say our friendly neighborhood Spiderman reappeared yesterday.  He spent the day calling everyone in the house โ€œcitizenโ€ and offered many directions and aid. 

This morning he attempted to climb the walls and asked for a photo (โ€œbut make sure you donโ€™t get the chair in the picture, mom!โ€).

Is it possible he will be Spiderman again for the sixth year in a row this Halloween?

I donโ€™t think anyone of us will know until he walks out the door that night. 

But until then, dear citizen, I think my comments are hitting your spam folders and am anxious for the WordPress confusion to end!

30 thoughts on “Spammed and Spiderman

    1. It is driving me crazy – I can comment freely on some blogs yet have to jump through hoops to get one through on others. Is it in your spam folder? (fingers crossed)

  1. Love Spiderman. Less scary than his recent alternatives. I’ve discovered that I think (who knows)
    things work pretty smoothly with WordPress when I comment directly from my reader on my laptop. I often read blogs from my emails on my phone. I can’t seem to even hit like from there. WordPress doesn’t recognize me that way, not matter what hoops I go through. That means, if I want to comment I have to go back to my computer and search for the post in the reader. Consequently, sometimes I don’t comment because by then there are too many new things to view.

    1. Once another blogger told me that her comments went right to spam when she commented on blogs from her phone but not when she commented from her laptop. Sounds like thats the same. I don’t have WP on my phone though – Declan runs off with it so often I don’t have any social media on it. Something, somewhere must have changed in my settings and I am so unqualified to figure it out.
      I love seeing Spiderman too! All of us yesterday made such a big deal about it, hoping the scary stuff disappears. I don’t like the scary stuff. It helps me a little to understand it is just an interest because my BFF and her husband are horror fanatics. Their house is a museum of horror movie artifacts. They got engaged at a horror convention with the female character from Texas Chainsaw Massacre being the ring bearer. By day, my BFF is a mobile music therapist. She just has a thing for horror. Makes it easier for me to see Declan’s behavior just as an interest – although I do wish his interest was for something else ๐Ÿ™‚
      BTW – I am really enjoying your book so far! I can relate to so many stories!

  2. Have you contacted the “Happiness Engineers”?(such a goofy name) They were helpful when I was getting sent to spam…both times๐Ÿ™„
    There are still some blogs that send me to moderation first or just wont accept comments at all (I think they’re in spam but the blogger doesn’t check or doesnt know how๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ)
    It can be extremely frustrating! I think most WP bloggers have just accepted that its glitchy and we put up with it because the community is so awesome.
    Good luck!๐Ÿ€๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’Œ

    P.S. It’s great to see our friendly neighborhood Spider-Declan again๐Ÿ˜(what chair? I dont see any chair. It is Spidey Skillz ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I haven’t. When I started blogging all those many moons ago I had no idea what I was doing and bought the book “Blogging for Dummies.” I went through the different options the book described and decided to do a self hosting blog. If I could go back I would have never made the same choice – I just didn’t know. And to change now I think I would lose content, followers, history – just too much. I don’t think WP will help me and I don’t know if my host cares about me being able to comment on WP blogs. I don’t know who to go to, but maybe I will give them a try and see what they can do. It would be great to have this problem disappear! I was hoping it would stop as it started – suddenly. I am concerned something switched off or something in my settings and I am the least qualified to fix that. I am more likely to delete my whole blog again.
      I know! Whew! I love seeing my Spidey! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I went into spam and saw you commented, but when I marked it as “not spam” it didn’t show up. It seems like I might be rubbing off on you. Now you’re projecting who is going to go away. Spiderman is a good costume. When I worked at the Y the child care kids would come around and trick or treat. The Spideys were always my favorite. Catches thieves just like flies! Have you ever heard the Ramones sing the theme song?

    1. Uggh. Oh, that is frustrating. I wonder what is happening? I have been glitchy all weekend. The comment I left for you yesterday about the SPF I saw went through. Todays wouldn’t and then disappeared. Uggh!!
      Oh, I love seeing Spidey back. I really needed a break from all the horror stuff. So good to see him. I don’t think I have – I’ll have to check it out!

  4. I heard that Spidey had reentered the Marvel Universe after a short exit. I can see why heโ€™s back.

    WP has been doing that to me. Iโ€™ve got 2 tablets (if you includes sons). One has exactly the same issues as yours. The other doesnโ€™t. WP blamed Apple even though itโ€™s the only app that is not working properly. I couldnโ€™t find any changes on the settings. On my site your name is coming up suddenly as your email. Hope it sorts out for you soon.

    1. Yes, they are making me provide my email, URL and then making me give my password to leave comments now. I guess that is why it is coming across as my email. And I am being logged out every five minutes having to sign back in. The other weird part is that I can comment on some blogs without issues. Just a handful, but on most my gravatar is gone and I have to “register” per se to comment. It’s awful. And from what Jeff says, they are now being marked spam and not able to be retrieved. Thanks! I am trying to find someone to help me sort this out. Fingers crossed it’s fixed soon!

        1. That’s me – I am doing what I should not be doing. Trying to fix it myself. I have been in my settings and clicking away. I think I turned that on when I was in there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. There seems to be some kind of weirdness at the moment. I keep being asked to log in whenever I want to leave a comment. The comments are appearing, but being asked all the time is new. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    1. Same! I keep getting logged out too. Whenever I go to the reader to load the blogs I follow, I have to log in again. Whenever I have to refresh anything, I have to log in again. Me too – hope it gets sorted soon for you too!

  6. I had problems with WP and loosing blogs I was following I had a chat session with the Suppprt . They saw what was happening and asked me to track it for a month
    I did and reported back to them. It is now fixed and they gave me a month free
    So let them know what is happening to you.

  7. You’re not alone in your confusion and frustration, Robyn. I’m having trouble with my site too. I found your comment on my last post in my spam folder, so I restored it to its rightful place! I’ve stopped getting email notifications recently for most of the blogs I follow, and I’ve always relied on that. I’m finding I can’t respond to replies from my comments on other people’s sites through my notifications list and my likes are all over the place too. It’s a nightmare, so I can sympathise! I hope everything calms down soon and we can all get back to normal.
    Anyway, on a lighter note, welcome back spiderman and I hope you have a great Halloween! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh good! I was worried my comments were being marked spam and then couldn’t be restored. Truly frustrating!
      Thank you, Alli! You too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. It’s crazy. I’ve opened a ticket, just haven’t heard back from anyone. I’m losing my mind logging in every few minutes I am on here!

  8. I find I am having more issues as well. I remember when internet wasn’t around and some days I wish for that. Safer. Secure. But be assured, this glitch will soon pass and another will appear. Over a billion people using the web, things like this are bound to happen. It is frustrating. I am still reading your blog, even if you don’t see my comments. I haven’t written for a while, but hope to soon. He’s the coolest spiderman ever! I can’t believe how much Declan has grown up!

    1. The issues are definitely frustrating. I can’t believe how many times I have to keep logging in to get anything written – here or on someone else’s blog. Thank you, Carlene! Thinking of you!

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