Returning to an Old Favorite Pastime

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Des Linden.

Des Linden, Des Linden, Des Linden.

If you are a runner like me, maybe you enjoyed watching the Boston Marathon this morning like I did.  And before the race started, I got out and ran on my own.  With one name in mind.

Des Linden.

I loved watching her run and win the Boston Marathon last year.  Her legs just pounding the ground with such speed, coming around the corners until she came to the finish line with a win on Boylston Street.

I channeled my own Des Linden this morning.  Pumping my legs to the mental beat of her stride – granted it was a good 2-3 minutes slower than her pace – but mentally – I WAS Des Linden.

I am at the shore now for Spring Break.  A very special time for my family.

And for my runs as they are so different.  Not on my treadmill, not out on the streets in my hometown with a friend or two.

I am on the boardwalk.  Given a squeaky springy step with each stride.  Not only that, I get the beautiful sound of ocean breaking as my music.


I even sacrificed my pace and my stride to capture the moment.  Thunderstorms hit in the morning leaving the coastline in a loud tumble of waves.

That I used to match the beat of Des Linden’s speedy stride for five miles.


After my run, I made it back in time to clean up, change and circle around the TV to watch the Boston Marathon unfold.  Which is always a treat.

Des Linden didn’t win this year.  She came in a solid 5th place.  A new runner from Ethiopia, Worknesh Degefa, pulled away from the crowd around mile 6 and stayed away for the next 20 miles.  A very exciting finish for her and for a lot of other runners.

Not only did I get to sit and watch the Boston Marathon, I got to do one of my favorite past times in the process.

A puzzle.

Putting puzzles together was one of my most favorite things to do before I had kids.

I would go to Goodwill and look through all their used ones.  And bring home a few thousand-piece puzzles for just a few dollars.

Once I had kids, I realized I had to put them away.  Little toddlers really don’t mix well with puzzles.

Then it turned out I had IMPULSIVE kids who really didn’t mix well with the stagnant time of puzzle piecing.

When we go on vacation, I am always excited to see what books or games the house holds for my family to enjoy.

This house had neither.  And to my excitement (and my kids readiness) they had puzzles.  Which I have been happy to pursue.


Happy to be on break.  Happy to not be walking or feeding dogs and cats (although I love them).  Happy to not be on our regular schedule!

Happy to be mimicking Des Linden on my morning boardwalk runs.

And happy to be putting puzzles together after such a long break!

10 thoughts on “Returning to an Old Favorite Pastime

  1. Great that you’re returning to a past hobby, Robyn. And the running looks wonderful, especially with that lovely beach as a backdrop. That looks a complicated and big puzzle! I’ve done a few and they’re fun, but they do need endless patience and concentration. Well done, and I look forward to seeing the finished result! Have a great day. 🙂

    1. Yes, I am finding puzzles at vacation houses don’t have all the pieces 🙂 Going to be a bit of a challenge but I am still happy it is here 🙂

      1. Ah yes, I think that’s quite common. Still, at least it’s getting you back into something you enjoy. Have a great time. 🙂

  2. i love the idea of you channeling Des Linden. Sometimes I call up famous dressage riders like Charlotte Dujardin when I am riding. Enjoy your time away from home.

    1. Thank you, Anne! The mental image of a professional running was so motivational – that is great you do the same!

    1. I am enjoying it as well. Have to say though – the morning runs on the boardwalk are in the #1 slot. So peaceful.

      1. It’s been a while since I took a vacation where running could get much priority. I’m going to be at Mont Blanc this summer which is ground zero for European trail running… so maybe…

  3. That just looks a staggering place to run. I miss running by the sea. Hope the weather picks up but Im so pleased it’s going well. Can’t beat a holiday jigsaw. In Britain you channel Mo Farrah and Paula Radcliffe.

    1. Oh, yes – I remember channeling Mo just a couple of years ago. He is one heck of a runner. Finished the puzzle and Declan enjoyed tearing it apart. Onto the next one in the closet! 🙂

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