crop kid weighing on scale

On the Weigh to Better Health

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Running on my treadmill every morning was my pre-pandemic routine.  When we went into quarantine, I continued to claim my time.  I would start early and run until I hit my mileage, or when Bob said I needed to stop as he had a meeting.

When quarantine moved to the yellow phase in June, I moved my activities outside to the nature trails.  The trails were void of people.  I was free to exercise in nature as I pleased.

A shift eventually happened. As I left my treadmill, the basement became more of Bob’s workspace and less of my treadmill space.  I was kindly told the treadmill was “too distracting” for him to work next to as it was too loud.  I got permanently relocated outside.

When school began again in September, I tested the waters and went to my favorite paved trails. I saw there was a way I could return to them to run.

So, I did.  Three to five miles a day, depending on the kid’s school needs.  It was great.

Except a yearlong lingering pain in my foot increased. Until one day, I pulled up lame and had to walk/limp (2 miles) back to my car.

These days I walk a circular paved trail where my car is always visible if I need to leave with foot pain.  Some days, I let my obnoxious lab obnoxiously drag me around for a mile until she tires out, and then I get to obnoxiously pull her until I finish walking.

A decrease in activity + increased stress eating from zooming with a “stare out the window” learner = a few extra pounds on the scale at my last doctor’s visit.  I am apparently in excellent health, just pounds heavier than I would like to be.

I brought back all that I categorize as “the boring foods.”  The boring foods are working. They’re boring all the extra weight off of me. They are just, you know, boring.

And since October and November turned into “get the appointments scheduled that were put off because of the quarantine,” Declan got his yearly physical too, where his doctor dropped some heavy words into the air:

“Declan, you have gained 30 pounds since last year.”

The doctor, Declan, and I looked at Declan’s growth and development chart.  The dots from previous years were all along a growth curve. 

The 2020 dot loomed high above the curve and stood alone, shocking us all. I knew Declan had gained weight.  I just did not think it was THAT much weight.

Sensory overeating + a pandemic where one does not leave the house = 30 extra unneeded pounds.

Unfortunately, where I can switch to the “boring foods,” Declan doesn’t have one of those lists.  He has a waffle, ramen, and chicken fingers list with a side of fruit and ALL the snacks he can find hidden for the other kids and school lunches throughout the house.

Where I rotate my physical activities, Declan rotates through his newest fixations and YouTube videos.  Physical activity being one of his least favorite activities.

Bloodwork has indicated Declan is a very healthy child, just at a closer risk of developing future health problems if not dealt with now.

Chewy tubes are on hand to provide to Declan after meals to stop unnecessary snacking.  Those who have a significant “sugar tooth” have agreed not to bring candy into the house for little fingers to find and eat.  And as a family, we have all picked a day of the week to engage Declan in physical activity for at least thirty minutes.

We are still in lockdown.  We do not go out for family events or activities often but will start taking Declan to parks and playgrounds to run around and play.  We are also blessed Declan goes to school four days a week where he can only eat the lunch that is packed for him. 

2020 has been a banner year, that is for sure.  In and out of quarantine, in and out of school, in and out of bad eating and exercise habits.

It is still time to not Judgey the Pudgy.  It is also time for this family to take notice of our eating and exercise habits and make some necessary changes.

22 thoughts on “On the Weigh to Better Health

  1. I don’t think anyone can judge anyone’s weight gain or otherwise this year, Robyn. Whatever we have to do to get through this has to be ok. You’ve got plenty of time to address any hiccups, and it sounds as though you’re on it. Well done you for being so proactive when these things crop up, and I know you’ll do what you have to to pull yet another trying situation around. And you’ll do it like a pro, as always. All the best to you all. 🙂

  2. Ben went from scrawny, count his ribs, underweight, to chunky monkey seemingly overnight. It was the meds that did it to him.
    Like most kids, he goes through eating phases. Right now he’s eating massive amounts so I think he’s getting ready to grow again. I don’t have to worry about exercise with him. Getting him to STOP moving is the challenge 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

    I agree that 2020 has been tough and we do what we have to. No judgements, no shame.😘💕

    1. Declan did the same. I just saw these pictures of him four years ago and he was practically underweight. And he too, never stopped moving. Then he started eating and never seemed to stop. I keep all healthy foods in the house, but even yesterday I bought two pounds of strawberries and in an hour they, and all the rest of the fruit I bought, are all finished. I think the calories just add up and he just sits. It was good to see his cholesterol was fine. I am hoping the more he gets out and the more I can get him to focus on the chewy tubes instead of snacks will help.

      Goodbye to 2020! Here is hoping for a fresh new 2021 – at least in some ways! 🙂

  3. My exercise level is way down, and this looks like the 3rd weekend out of five where I’ve got a splitting headache. It’s getting very old and I’m now thinking about what I eat. If I get three moderate workouts in a week I feel lucky these days. I probably gotta start taking some long walks (hikes?) to make up for what I’m missing in running and biking. Not a great time of the year to try to escalate exercise. It’s dark on both ends of work these days.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you still have a headache. I hope you find some relief somewhere. That has got to be so frustrating to deal with and knowing all that you aren’t able to complete. I am frustrated with my foot – I think I told it about it when I saw you on the CJ run, but if not, it is the same thing, and has just exploded. I am thinking it is a stress fracture, but I don’t want to spend the copay to get it diagnosed. In general, I know what I need to do. I am really enjoying my long circular walks. I listen to my audio books. While running, I never listened to anything for safety reasons. But maybe your new music source may bring you pleasure while you change your routine? Whatever it takes! I hope you find something that suits you and your needs right now (and you feel better soon!).

  4. I have to start off by saying I am laughing hysterically out loud at that Barbie meme. 😂

    I’m very sorry for the shock that you encountered with Declan at the doctors. It’s great that you are being very on top of it but you should also cut yourself some slack for this absolute dumpster fire year that 2020 has been!

    I’m sorry you don’t have as much access to the treadmill. I really do miss the gym for that very reason.

    I do love that your family rallies around Declan and physical activity once a week!

    1. That meme cracked me up! I even love that Barbie has like three chins. Too funny! I can relate! 🙂
      Yes, his weight was a big shock for us all. His bloodwork was okay, but so borderline health problems. Getting him out of the kitchen and into the playground is really important.
      I am proud of the family for stepping up. Each has different activities they like to do, like weights or bike riding, and agreed to include Declan with their activities. It will be really good for all of us!

  5. We are fortunate that our gyms were only closed at the beginning of the pandemic. They had their classes online during that period. I thought I might gain, because of my fractured wrist, and no boxing for 6 months, but I found lots of great new exercises to do. The doctor said I had lost weight at my last visit, but I told her to check back. Always between 110 and 112.

    1. I think a lot for me was the extra eating. The kids were home and so there was always all these snacks around. I was (and am) so frustrated with parts of online schooling that I would indulge in the snacks. I’ve stopped, thank goodness!

  6. I’m struggling with a hip injury that keeps flaring up if I push things. Part of me thinks with this prolonged layoff that I might be hoping you on the circular walk when I am released into the world. Changing diet for a Hawklad is basically impossible so I feel your pain. Hang in there.

    1. That stinks about your hip! I hope that feels better soon. These injuries! I felt like I was resting mine as I wasn;t running nearly as much as I have in years past, but it had different thoughts. The circular path is nice. It is about a mile long and you can just change direction if you want to stay away from others. With my obnoxious lab, I always want to stay away for their sake.

  7. I noticed at Thanksgiving that my entire family seems to be cutting back on the eating, as I have been. By the way, 2020 Barbie should be A LOT paler…

    Do your kids ever run with you, Robyn?

    1. In the past I have trited to get them to run with me. They both play soccer and CAN run – they just don’t enjoy it. Catelyn might one day. This year the school soccer coach noticed her abilities and encouraged her to run track. There is still hope!

  8. I was quite stunned at my last appt to learn I had not gained any weight. But that’s only because I did the depression/sedentary gain 4 yrs ago. I went into isolation after my layoff and unknowingly having a bad reaction to BP med (they can cause lupus!)… but it made me really prepared for the pandemic!

  9. I set up a walking/exercise challenge on my Facebook page. It has been motivating me and my friends to do at least 20 minutes or more of exercise each day. I check on everyone at night to see how everyone is doing. I think right now is a good time to focus on ourselves.

    1. I think so too. I feel so disconnected from the person I was before the quarantine and physically separating from others. That is nice to check on others too. Taking control of our health right now is so important to not overlook!

    1. I keep going back and forth. And now with the holidays here I’ve given myself a small green light to enjoy a few things this next week 🙂

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