halloween candy and decorations

Back to School…Right?

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After the class was over, we logged out of Zoom and went our separate ways.  Declan to find his device and unwind myself to my computer to begin sifting through emails. 

I saw an email from Declan’s OT and opened it.  She always sends me the materials to print out before Declan’s OT sessions. 

I began printing the materials and read the message.  My eyes got big.

“Just a heads up that we will be working on our schedules next week, and starting 10/26, Declan will have a different OT schedule, and he will be seen in person on the days he is here.” 

I got up and walked around.  It hit me right then.


In the past few weeks, the date has been kind of “out there.”  On the 26th, the elementary school would begin bringing students in on a staggered schedule, twice a week.  Being on an IEP, Declan was eligible to go back four days a week, which I accepted.

But then I hadn’t heard anything else.

Was he really going to go back?  Will he REALLY be going for four days?

I have had no tangible information given to me.  No bus schedule.  No “What to expect” when it came to returning to school and when that would be.  Declan has no idea where his new classroom is.  Where is he supposed to go?  Does he need to bring anything?

The email from his OT was the first real indicator that things were indeed going to be changing.


I scheduled his flu shot.  As a mask eater (it’s gross, I know), I ordered Declan more masks to change into throughout the day.  I bought items for his school lunches.  New long sleeve back to school clothes that fit.  Shoes for an ever-widening foot.  One email and I was in planning mode!

This past week, the teachers returned to school.  Every zoom was taught by a teacher wearing a mask.  A way for the kids to get used to seeing their teacher with only half a face.  Getting used to hearing their teacher, slightly muffled.

Eight weeks into the school year, the kids are getting to know their teacher and each other.  At least I am getting to know the kids.

I know which kids like to mess with the camera, zooming in and out of their faces.  The techy ones who know how to draw on the teacher’s screen, much to her befuddlement.  The ones that hate being on screen and only pop in when they are being scolded for lack of participation.

And Chatty Kathy.

We all know Chatty Kathy at this point.  We know her favorite color.  Where she went on vacation.  When her birthday was.  When she had her cake.  What she likes to eat.  Her favorite color as well.  She likes gymnastics. Her parents don’t let her have dessert unless she has eaten her vegetables.  Her babysitter gave her a head band with cat ears on it.  She found a turtle in her yard the other day.  She thinks math is easy.  That she goes to every possible “office hours” zoom with the teacher.

And when Declan had to talk with the art teacher about his latest project after class, I realized Chatty Kathy is the last one to log off as she likes to talk to every teacher after everyone has left the zoom.

Chatty Kathy really enjoys human interaction. 

When Chatty Kathy is super chatty, I tend to sag.  But this week, she got my attention.

Halfway through a lesson on Boston, Chatty Kathy raised her hand to ask a question.

“Can we see the classroom?”

The teacher sat at attention, and after a moment, said yes and panned the room with her laptop.  The carpets were removed.  All large tables for group activities were removed.  There were just a handful of desks spread out across the room.

When the teacher began to explain how far apart the children would need to be, Chatty Kathy raised her hand again.

“Will you decorate the classroom for Halloween?”

The teacher appeared startled and looked around the room. 

“Uhhhhh,” she began.  “Yes, yes, I can do that.  I will decorate the room for Halloween.”

Chatty Kathy got my heart.  She just wants things to be as normal as they can possibly be.

In theory, Declan is going back to school in one week.  One message from the OT solidifies he will be taking his learning to the classroom.  I have no idea how – I haven’t gotten those emails yet.  But I am aware that I need to send him with as much normal as possible as he goes into such an abnormal environment.

And just cross my fingers that he doesn’t tell Kathy, “My mom calls you Chatty Kathy.”

27 thoughts on “Back to School…Right?

  1. This is such great news. I am very happy for you and Declan! Things will come together. If it makes you feel better, we got info in drips and drabs and very close to the first day of school. Teachers and principals figuring things out. We’ve felt very safe and know they are doing everything they can to keep kids safe.

    And here’s to the Chatty Kathy in every class! I’m glad the class will be decorated for Halloween. That’ll help Declan with adjusting back to the physical classroom.

    Good luck!!!

    1. This is so new to us all – I am sure the teachers are just trying to get everything as right as they can for learning. It was just an eye opener for me (sitting in a kids zoom) to hear what the kids felt was important. A little bit of normalcy for this strange school year! Even if it is for a week. Chatty Kathy cracks me up. I will sit on more zooms tomorrow and I am kind of excited to hear how her weekend went (because I know she will tell us unprovoked 🙂 ).

  2. It’s starting to be real!!🌠✨💃🏼💫 WOOT WOOT! 6 more days to get through and on the 7th… GLYSB!🚍👋💃🏼

    I’m hoping Ben has a better day tomorrow and on Tuesday than he did last week. He’s got a runny nose, but no fever… I’m sending him. I’m sure he isn’t the only snot dripper at his school, he’ll have his mask on anyway.

    I’m so excited for you, Robyn!! You won’t know what to do with yourself Monday, if you’re like me. I kept looking around, waiting for Ben to need something only *I* could give him.🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Maybe his 1:1 aide can meet the bus and help him to his room? Do you have her email?


    1. So true! It took me a while to adjust to this new “sit on zoom every day” schedule, and now I am wondering what I used to do that I was so sad losing. It has been so long since I had my schedule! From spring quarantine to summer pool/socialization monitoring, to fall zoom – I know I was burning through my days before, getting so much done and I gave most of it up and readjusted. Another adjustment ahead, I guess! But who knows for how long. We are headed right into another regular flu season. I can imagine we will be virtual again in just a bit. But the time I get will be appreciated!

      I don’t know how his drop off will work, exactly. Thankfully, he rides the little yellow school bus, so I am hoping he will get an escort instead of a bland direction. His 1:1 aid is only there for the hours of learning, which is tough in this situation, but I do have her email and I could ask her what is supposed to happen and if she could help. Worth a try! I just can’t believe it. The bigs kids aren’t going back yet, but helping them is WAY different than dedicating whole days to directing D’s attention back to online learning. I can’t believe things are about change! Fingers crossed!

  3. 🎉 exciting! My son goes 4 days a week and one day remote and all his therapies are in school as well! He definitely needs it and I can focus on my other son who is remote 3 days!

    1. Thank you! I am so hopeful this will help with Declan’s learning. My older two will still be here, but Declan needs to be in front of a teacher. My fingers are crossed all will go without a hitch!

  4. There’s a kid named Kathy? How 1972. I wonder if that’s one of the old fashioned names coming back around. You’re fortunate to have a hip and timeless name. We get zero info from the school. We didn’t even know what was going on at the start of the year until a few days before. Hope the return to school goes well.

    1. Of course not, I am just 1972. I have never used a name of a real kid in this blog- just know the name is 2000 ish and rhymes with Kathy 🙂
      Good to know! We are one week away from a big transition and I know nothing. I wasn’t even sure if it was still happening (until the OT emailed – that was something!). Thank you! Me too. I guess so much is up in the air on the teacher’s end too.

    1. On one hand, I feel like I just got into this zoom groove. I’ll have to get into this new school groove. I’m glad things are going well for you guys and your transition!

  5. My kids have been in school since it started in September. Every day I see all those little kids running in, wearing masks, I start crying. Thank you, Chatty Kathy, for asking for the room to be decorated.

    1. I bet that is such a weird thing to see. I’m so glad Declan is going back. He and his peers need it!

  6. I’m so pleased for you and Declan that he can finally go back to school properly, Robyn. It’s been a very long time for you hasn’t it? Nathan’s school seems to be doing fine, but luckily for us,none of the teachers or class helpers are wearing masks, so I’m pleased that the kids haven’t had to get used to their teachers, as you rightly say, ‘with only half a face’. I think they want to keep it as normal as possible for the kids too. The only thing is they have to keep the windows open all the time, so that’ll be interesting when the weather gets really cold! Good luck for next week and I hope Declan enjoys being back at school at last, even with the changes. It’s got to be better than online learning. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Alli! I am glad yours are back at school with some normalcy. We were told that if our children rode the bus to school the windows would be down. I wondered the same – what are they going to do if it is freezing out, or raining? I guess we’ll see! I think so too – it’ll be different, but it has to be better than zooming all day! 🙂

  7. Oh, that nickname is the first thing Declan will mention when he gets back… Someone needs to come up with a way to delete a child’s “cookies” when they go out amongst adults you know and talk about…

    1. I know! I am in big trouble. He even says it now. “Here we go again. Chatty Kathy is chatting again.” With a big sigh. I guess I forgot Declan and Chatty Kathy would actually see each other this school year!

  8. Really keeping my fingers crossed for you. It’s the season for the runny noses, he won’t be the only one in that club. Just a few more days then hopefully it’s another step towards the new normal. So looking forward to hearing about you properly running again. You have new shoes to get going. x

    1. I still can’t seem to open my new shoes. I always figure – eh, this is only three miles. I can still use these old ones and save the new shoes for a big day. Hasn’t happened yet! I really should pop them out of the box!

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