Another Successful Season!

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“I am SO excited to go to sleep!” Declan yelled.

“You are?” I asked in surprised wonderment.

“”YES!  Because when I wake up it will be time for MY soccer!  I am SO excited!!”

A few months ago Declan started the spring season of High-5 soccer.  And every Friday I heard the above statement.  Declan LOVED Saturdays for High-5 soccer time!

Yesterday was his last soccer session.  So I took my camera and caught some good memories of the season!

Declan was paired with same buddy for the season, Sam, and they had a lot of fun together!


They would warm up together while all the players arrived and got paired with buddies.  Sam was always good to let Declan meg him.


Once all the players arrived the players and buddies would line up for a fun game of “red light, green light.”


And they were off! As I tried to capture Declan running in the game, I caught a fiend having a lot of fun!


Then it was time for sharks and minnows.  The sharks would get together and then be off to capture the minnows (all the buddies!)  And the buddies were great minnows – very imaginative in their theatrics when captured!


They would wrap up every session with the High-5 tunnel – and here is Declan coming through!


And of course, yesterday was the trophy ceremony.  So the players and buddies sat and waited for their names to be called.

Do you know what is great about this program?  The BUDDIES!  The kids that give their time to come out and play with the buddies.  Eight years ago there were only 8 players and buddies.  This year there was 107 players and 130 buddies – that is just fantastic!


Then it was time for the award – here he is being called and running up to get his trophy!



Happy as can be holding his trophy high!


Another great season with High-5!  A WONDERFUL program that makes Declan and other players feel good and HAVE FUN!

17 thoughts on “Another Successful Season!

  1. Such a great program! All those buddies!! WOW! It gives me hope to see great kids like that.
    They had a buddy program at Ben’s last school. That and the arts & music are things I miss about his old school. But his new school has horses to ride on every Wednesday, so it’s a good trade.
    Congrats to Declan 🏆⚽👏🎉

    1. Me too – those kids are awesome to give their time and energy the way they do – love it! Horses! Yes, that is pretty cool! Thanks 🙂

    1. I think it is wonderful there are so many people willing to give their time to this program – watching the players play and have fun is so rewarding!

  2. Amazing program for all participants (players & buddies)! Where else can kids get experience dealing with the handicapped population at such a young age? Seems like everyone is having loads of fun, too!

    1. I agree – it is really special for everyone. Watching the players having so mu ch fun is so cool!

  3. He looks so happy with his trophy. Love the pic just above the “sharks and minnows” in the middle — you can almost hear them laughing as they run

    1. Yes! They were all so happy. It was the last day so in order to give out all the trophies the players got to pick two of their favorite games to play. Sharks and Minnows was at the top of the list and they all had so much fun! Thank you!

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