be mine inscription with bunch of roses

Who is the Lucky Winner?

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In the past few years, Declan has started targeting his valentine attention to a specific family member.

I am sad to say I have not been the focus of these valentine cards in years past.

Bobby was the recipient of one at one point:

Bob was another recipient. He didn’t get a card, but a very special strawberry with a very special note taped to it.

Today was my turn! Declan hid the valentine he made at school until this morning, revealing this year’s lucky winner: me! With a very special message inside.

Valentine’s Day is not a holiday we really celebrate here. I do make a little bag of fun little items for each of the kids. This makes the day special enough for Declan to make it remarkable. So, at 5:00AM, he was already wide eyed and staring at my sleeping body, waiting for me to go downstairs with him for his gift bag of fun.

Declan had the best Valentine’s Day ever, and since I was chosen as his valentine, I feel pretty special too!

Scrolling through my memories, I was able to find these nuggets too. Declan learning the High-5 “dis.” These videos still bring the biggest smile to my face!

In the videos, Declan is almost 5 and Bobby is 10 years old.

Today, in 2021, Declan is almost the same age as Bobby in this video. It is amazing for me to see how much Declan has accomplished with his language since 2016, when the video was recorded. I love to see them both when they were younger, but also, to see some of their similarities and differences at the same age. I can come to one conclusion: The two are just on different playing fields and are rocking their worlds in their own way.

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! I hope that you have the greatest day, whatever it may look like. Today, I was chosen as Declan’s special valentine. Who knows who Declan will choose as his special valentine next year!

I am keeping my finger’s crossed – here’s to me being Declan’s special valentine in 2022!

25 thoughts on “Who is the Lucky Winner?

  1. This post brought such a huge smile to my face. I find kids are so honest with their intentions so you know it’s extra special when you picked you as his Valentine’s this year. And that message was so sweet! 😭😭😭 And I had quite the laugh at the Valentine’s Bob got! Hahaha.

    Enjoy your extra special day together as a family. Happy Valentine’s!

    1. Haha! I gotcha! And I totally agree – The messages are so special and rewarding as they are so thoughtful. Declan’s note to Bob with the strawberry still crack me up! I hope you guys have a great day today – Happy Valentine’s Day!

  2. Valentines day in my house is about as meaningful as St Patrick’s Day, meaning not at all. This is how we celebrated: we drove to Rite Aid and each picked out a type of candy I got Sour Patch Kids, my current fave. I’m glad you got picked this year. Long overdue IMHO.

    1. I know I put sour patch kids in one of the kids bags, mixed in with some air head bites. I think they are a house favorite. Thanks for the compliment!

  3. YAY!! He finally picked you!!💝💃🏼🎉✨
    I agree with Jeff, LONG overdue! You’re voted #1. I gotta agree with D on that too! No school cards or notes this year, but I still have my note from last year😉
    Did you get yourself some fuzzy socks??💝

    1. Thank you! I was so excited when he came home last week and had to hide his Valentine’s Day card – from me !?!? I was super excited to see it!
      I didn’t. Maybe I will find a pair on clearance now that the “holiday” is over.
      Did you treat yourself in any way?

    1. Oh, I know! My valentine was way cooler than anyone else’s – and it said I was number 1 at everything! No one can top that!

  4. Congratulations Robyn. I remember this from last year and I’m so glad he finally chose the most obvious person for his valentine. 😉 And what a special compliment inside! Your boys are very sweet together.

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