flat screen tv

The Safe Place

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I peeked around the wall to the front room and saw Declan standing on his trampoline, staring at his phone, sifting through different videos, with earbuds in his ears.  His scrolling stopped as he chose a song.  The phone went down, and suddenly, Declan exploded into the air, coming down on his trampoline with all his might.  The springs began to squeak in a steady rhythm to Declan’s jumps and were drowned out only by Declan’s happy sounds and squeals of delight.

I slunk back into the kitchen and picked up my mug of hot tea and my phone.  I tiptoed into the living room and nestled on the couch, gently placing my mug on the coffee table.  I picked up the remote and listened for the steady squeak of the trampoline’s springs. I turned the TV on and dropped the volume to the single digits.

As the squeaks continued, I scrolled through the listings to see what was on TV.  I settled on Working Girl, a favorite movie of mine when I was younger.  I smiled as Joan Cusack delivered her iconic line, “Sometimes I dance around my apartment in my underwear.  Doesn’t make me Madonna, never will.”

Then I jumped a foot in the air to hear a little voice next to me.

“Oh!  You’re watching TV! Let’s put on something we both like.”

Since the list of movies Declan likes is relatively small, finding one “we both liked” really meant “which movie is Declan watching over and over again RIGHT NOW.”

The remote was confiscated, and the sounds of Frozen filled the air.

“Great,” I said with as much enthusiasm I could muster.

Only four movies have made it to Declan’s repetitive movies list.  Aladdin (the original, of course), Big Hero 6, Toy Story (only the first one will do), and Frozen.

These days, it’s Frozen. 

Every. Day.

Since Declan is such a thoughtful fellow, I did try to tell him once that I did not want to watch Frozen and was hopeful to watch some adult TV.  Maybe – just MAYBE – Declan put on Frozen for ME thinking he was doing me a favor?

His look spoke volumes.  Adult TV is not something “we both like.”  Frozen is something “we both like.”

I use the phrase only slightly lightly. My kids have all enjoyed some atrocity of a movie or show I have been forced to sit through.  As far as Frozen goes in the scheme of things, well, it’s not that bad. I am sure things could be worse.

Recently, as my shadow found me hiding sitting on the couch one night, enjoying my five minutes of adult TV, Declan hesitated before putting Frozen on for us to watch. 

It turns out, Declan mentioned Frozen to his peers on the playground that day. In song or play, I’m not sure.  But the reaction he received was negative.

Frozen was deemed “Not Cool.”  Not only that, Declan watching a little girl’s movie about princesses trying to find true love’s kiss was seen as really “Not Cool.”

Where my bigger kids have moved on each year to age-appropriate likes or interests, there are specific interests Declan enjoys which have not changed. 

Namely his movies, his diet, his trampoline, and his love for certain kid videos on YouTube.

I know these are the things that make Declan happy.  Relaxed.  The routine things that bring him comfort when he has to get through so many uncomfortable things each day.

When Declan hesitated to turn on Frozen, we talked about how everyone likes different things.  To just be yourself and do what makes you happy.

Frozen was turned on to a contented Declan after he concluded, “I can still like Frozen.  I just don’t need to talk about it on the playground.”

Whatever it takes. Declan knows there is a safe place on the couch next to me each night.  For us to watch something “we both like.”  I may grudgingly watch the same movie every day for what feels like forever.  But I do like being the safe place Declan can go to relax and be himself.

29 thoughts on “The Safe Place

  1. Yeah… I agree! It can be very very VERY frustrating, but it *is* nice to know that you’re a safe place, that you can still “kiss it better”.😘💕

    I haven’t seen Frozen yet. We’re still watching the original Fantasia… muted. Too bad the muted twist wasn’t around during the months of Chipmunks 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

    1. Oh my goodness, yes! I have seen my share of Chipmunks movies and I would appreciate a muted TV for those as well!
      Watching the same shows on repeat can be so tiresome as you know with all the same shows you watch with Ben. I like that – we can still sit there and watch the same thing to help “kiss it better.” 🙂

  2. This made me smile so much and I love that you encourage Declan to just be himself and not feel any shame in what the other kids have to say.

    I agree with you that it’s likely part of being in his safe place and I think that’s great!

    And that is one beautiful living room you have. I’d be happy with that as my safe space!

    I’ve only seen Working Girl once. Great movie. I seem to recall reading somewhere they’re remaking it as a tv series.

    1. Oh no! That is not my living room. I wish! That is a picture from a free sight. I wanted one of Frozen but didn’t see a free one to use and didn’t want to get my hand slapped. That is a nice living room though, I agree!
      Thank you! It cracks me up how much he sees things in WE terms. I have conceded the TV. I think that is why I read so much! 🙂

      1. Oh hahaha about the living room photo. 🤣 It’s great your family is able to work out the best arrangement for all. I don’t watch a lot of tv either. Too much phone time though!

  3. I always learn something about Autism when I read your blog posts. You have tremendous patience and I agree that the reward is knowing you are Declan’s “safe” place. That makes “Frozen” worth it!

    1. The music is really good! And the characters are cute. I really think there are worse movies out there. There are definitely worse movie holes I could be stuck in!

  4. I love this. I love that Declan concluded that he can still love Frozen, but, knowing that his friends don’t, he doesn’t have to talk about it with them.

    I also love that he knows you are his safe place where he can always be himself. Everyone needs that.

  5. I sympathize!
    We still listen to Christmas songs here EVERY day! And there’s no sings of stopping anytime soon! 😐 x

    1. Oh my! That would be a challenge for me. As soon as December starts my entire family puts on Christmas songs. They are always so SHOCKED to get in the car after me to find that I changed their station. 🙂 But you definitely feel my every day pain!

  6. Out of curiosity, how did you expand his movies to that many? Have you been able to get him to watch any others?

    One of mine never liked movies or TV but I finally got to the point where he’d watch the first half of “Shrek 2,” most of the animated “101 Dalmatians,” the bar fight scene in “Top Secret,” and bits of the animated “Robin Hood.” A mom’s gotta do dishes, after all.

    1. It happened over time. When my daughter was four she watched Frozen all the time. Declan saw it whenever he walked by. At first, he was never into the movie, he just loved the song. My son watched Aladdin and the same thing happened. He loved the songs. Toy Story came from a YouTube video he was watching. When the latest one came out I guess YouTube lit up with everything Toy Story and Declan fell in love with the history of the movie. He has never been one to sit and watch TV – it really has to hit his interest in some obscure way. Since he liked the musical Disney movies I tried ones like Mulan but he wasn’t buying into it. He found his four and just rotates through.

      1. Would he be game if you had songs from Disney movies playing in the house or car now and then? Rotating through all Disney is not a bad way to go. 😀

        1. He used to. He used to be non-verbal and after a bit of listening to the Frozen CD he could sing every song. But he still couldn’t say, “Yes,” or “I want…” It was crazy. I don’t know if he would listen to the songs today. I think he just generally looks at TV time as a WE thing and goes to Frozen. Last year was a big Big Hero 6 year, although I don’t know why. I don’t know why they change, or when they will. In a month we may be watching Toy Story for what will feel like forever. I just ride the wave!

  7. My 10 yr old watches father of the year ft. David Spade on Netflix. Every single day. Over and over. His all time favorite movie is grown ups with Adam Sandler. It is crazy how its the same things he likes for years!

  8. I had a full year where I could not take a hot bath. Whenever my son heard the bathwater, he ran up to take a bath with me. He didn’t ask… he just assumed that was the way things were done.

    When I take a hot bath now, it seems like such a luxury…

    1. That’s funny – I can picture Declan doing something like that. Never imagining adults might want some time for themselves. Instead always looking at certain things WE do together.

  9. What a wonderful sweet part of your life to share! 🙂 It’s so awesome that Declan has you to always provide a safe space for him ❤️

    PS: I used to work at a children’s dental office that played Frozen… all the time. I feel your pain. I… feel your pain! x-) Kids love it, though.

    Take care!

    1. Haha! That totally cracked me up 🙂 I mean, it is a good movie – but really, how much can a person actually watch and still enjoy it?!? Well, I guess Declan can watch it forever. That is a rare breed! Thank you too!! 🙂

  10. And when he’s 18, he’ll still like Sponge Bob. Well, Sophie does anyway. I’m not sure when Eli switched over to adult movies and shows. All of a sudden he’s seen every movie that I have. Now he makes recommendations to me.

    1. Bobby still likes Sponge Bob. I think we even got him a Patrick shirt for Christmas. Although I think he likes that show more for the adult jokes that Declan doesn’t get (yet).

  11. I’m so impressed that Declan realized on his own that he can still watch what he enjoys and just not talk about it at school.

  12. Aww! As soon as I read that you were watching a movie, I thought good for you Robyn! You deserve some breaks too to keep yourself balanced! On the other side of the coin where I am at now with all 8 kids having flown the nest, I miss those “Frozen” moments…but it’s still nice to watch what I want! 😉

    The other thing is life wisdom for Declan….he can do what makes him happy, but yes he’s so right that he shouldn’t tell other guys or kids that he watches the Hallmark Channel….uh oh, a Freaudian slip….

    Lastly Robyn, his “safe place” is with you! Love that!!

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