The Photo that Says it All

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Declan is completely tired of taking walks.

We have had him out so often that he not only changed from walking to riding his scooter – now he rides his electric scooter.

Not a whole lot of exercise there.

In an effort to get a change of scenery we took the kids to a different walking trail today, making Declan walk.

Until he stopped and refused to take another step except for ones that would lead back to the car.

While we stood and waited for the others to turn back I saw in his eyes how annoyed he was. But still felt he was rather adorable.

“Mom. Stop calling me adorable. I mean, I know I am cute but it sounds silly when you say it. Say I am cool. Or handsome. Not adorable.”


Corona tired!

39 thoughts on “The Photo that Says it All

  1. When Ben was younger he somehow got the idea that “handsome” meant “well done” or just a general “good”…πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ we started using handsome for everything good with him. πŸ˜‚
    Declan looks very handsome and super cool!😎

    🀫and adorableπŸ˜‰

    1. I thought so too πŸ™‚ Even with his annoyed face on! Handsome is a good word. I will probably switch over to the handsome side πŸ™‚

  2. My eldest granddaughter is on day 7 of the Coronavirus. You can imagine how different it is for my daughter to keep Isobelle away, as they haven’t told her.

    1. I could feel his annoyance. He’s so done with all the walking. But he still looked cute so annoyed πŸ™‚

  3. I feel ya, Declan, on the walking! I haven’t walked recently but staged similar protests at his age. During our month-long trailer vacations my parents loved hiking… I started sitting (or napping) alone in the car, refusing to walk up another “stupid” mountain.

    1. That’s good! Kind of like my pug – she sure does have an interesting face that only a mother could love, aka – adorable! πŸ™‚

  4. Ahhh lala! How cute! Don’t tell him I said that.. Yeah mine are sick of being dragged round the same walks once a day, too. Groundhog Day. Your region looks beautiful though. So tough for families in cities with no outside space.

    1. Oh gosh, yes that would be hard. We drove to this trail. But overall we are surrounded by a lot of green which is nice. I won’t tell him πŸ˜‰

  5. Sounds just like how things are here, Robyn! I think people are getting heartily sick of being locked away with their lives on ‘pause’, and our special kids are no exception. I can hardly believe that Nathan is actually missing school! Still, he does look really cute, I agree! πŸ™‚

    1. I agree. We compensate by walking but at this point even I am getting tired of walking in circles! Thank you! πŸ™‚

      1. You’re not alone, Robyn. Surely this madness will have to end before long and we can all return to some sense of normality. πŸ™‚

    1. Sure! The one of the earth with the mask is on Pixabay. Or you can take it from here – it is a free photo.

  6. We were able to escape this weekend- thank goodness. Went sailing, paddle boarding and lots of swimming. Saw multiple manatees and dolphins, one sea turtle, one nurse shark, several sting rays…it was such a good weekend. We are all bummed to sail back home to be locked inside and quarantined again. My boy needed that outing so much. He’s so much calmer in and around water…

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