Thank You!

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Over the past few weeks I have been watching my numbers and thought, “Am I really going to have over 1,000 followers soon?”

It happened!  It happened a couple of days ago, but I waited to be sure if anyone was going to jump ship.

No one did!  In fact, a few more people stopped by.  Yay!

I started this blog almost two years ago.  I was daunted at the start.  No one stopped by.  I think in my first two months of blogging I posted eight posts and had about 100 views.  A couple of comments (truth be told, they were from my mom – thanks mom!)

So, by month three – I lost interest.  I enjoyed writing, and started another blog about my running.

Those posts flew out.  I had so much to say, so much to write.  People visited that blog and I connected with other runners.  It was great!

(I had to get rid of that blog – I was getting 10 new emails a day for new followers that were not actually appearing on the site.  I felt hacked.  So I deleted it.  But moved the content over to here .  Maybe if I get stuck again one day, I will go back to writing about running).

By month four, I plugged away at writing about our autism journey again.  I wanted to tell our story, from an autism parents perspective in an honest, positive way.

And the more I wrote, the more I connected with other bloggers.  Some were other autism families.  I heard other stories and we shared our journeys.  At a time where I was feeling very isolated and alone, I found a community that was supportive and understanding.

So, I wanted to say thanks.  Thank you for the follows, thank you for reading and thank you for sharing in our journey.

In short – you guys rock!  Thank you so much!

36 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. So well deserved! Thank you for sharing – you can read and article and learn to but a series of them, as and when things happen…that’s being part of a journey and learning intensely. Your posts help me immerse myself, thanks for that!

  2. Think about it. Over 1000 people from all over the world have stopped by, read your writing and decided they’d like to stop by again some time. That’s a huge achievement.. At my recent writers’ conference, people asked me about where I’m published. When I said “primarily on my blog” I got subtle eye rolls as if being a blogger didn’t count. That’s BS. Those same people would ecstatic if their work was read 30 – 50 times a day, week in, week out. Your blog has undoubtedly helped so many families with children with Autism. It helped me, and no one here (probably) even has Autism. You *should* feel proud. I eagerly await your future posts.

    1. Thank you, Jeff! You know, I don’t know how many people I *know* even know that I write a blog – for the same eye roll reasons. But you’re right – for the people that I read and who stop by here – we like that each other are there. Blogging is important. Thank you so much – I am always excited when I see that another “The Other Stuff” post is out there waiting for me to read! Thanks again!

  3. Always a pleasure to read your blogs Robyn. Keep them coming and if you do decide to include your running through this, I’m sure I would read them too. I love this community because in reality, some times my friends and family have no idea what’s going on. Thanks for always sharing.

    1. Yes! I loved the blogging community because there was so much I couldn’t talk about with friends and family – primarily because they didn’t understand the enormity of what was happening or could understand how I was feeling. So glad to connect with you! Thank you!

  4. Congratulations! You get so many followers by the informative posts you write. It is one of my daily reading pleasures to read YOUR posts!

    1. That is so nice to hear, Jeanette – thank you so much! You know, out of all the people that have followed me on my journey, I think you have been with me the longest. I always look forward to your feedback. Thank you so much for that!!

  5. Congratulations Robyn. Your journey is an incredible one. In India autism is not accepted as it should be and parents remain in denial. I often share the links to your blog with a few acquaintances who have autistic kids. Wishing you and your family good health and happiness.

  6. Congrats! I also completed two years yesterday. You are doing well in connecting with autism families as well as informing others.
    Keep the great work, Lady Robyn! Hugs

  7. Congrats! I’m so glad you’re writing. There’s so much positive information for all of us to learn from. <3 Your blog is the first one I go to whenever I find the time to read. <3 <3 Keep going!!

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