Summer Robyn, She’s Not a Blast

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“Yeah, I was telling the people at work about “Summer Robyn.”  I told them that it is usually around mid-July that you are completely frazzled.  The kids have pushed every one of your buttons, and you are done with Summer.”

It’s true.  I hate summer.

I hate that one child enjoys to literally poke another child – JUST for a reaction.  I hate that this child fights with that child about what is on TV.  I hate that any time I am not around I hear two children start giggling, then wrestling and then the crying.  And peaceful errands?  Forget it.  For the next two and a half months, they’re gone.

Not that I hate taking children to the pool, but it certainly isn’t relaxing.  While other moms sit in their lounge chairs socializing while their children play and swim, my eyes are next to and lasered onto a little body that loves water but sinks like a stone.

And don’t even get me started on how prickly, crabby, irritable I get in the heat.

Then I come across articles telling me to enjoy the time I have as – “You only get 18 summers and then they are gone….”

And the guilt that is guided with the statement starts to saunter over to my heart, shakes its fanny, flicks its skirt and starts to take a seat.  I feel the guilt sit there and feel bad that I missed this realization.

For a minute.  I wonder if I am just doing it wrong.  Is it my attitude?  Am I not handling the problems right and that is why they keep happening?

There are things I like about summer, right?  Sure!  I like the days I do get to sleep in a little.  I do like spending more time with my kids.  I like the adventure of our summer vacation.

But overall, for me summers are not relaxing.  To me they are just a lot of work.  As Declan falls off his routine, he sleeps less and is more prone to outbursts.  And the parent in me that I hate to see must come out and discipline big kid battles.  Sometimes hourly (if not minute-ly).

To combat these big kid hands in idle hours – to help keep routine and a schedule for Declan – I make one.  I keep the kids busy.  I sign them up for camps.  Activities.  Bible schools.  I pop on my taxi hat and suffer the sounds of new pop music (except for Justin Beiber and Arianna Grande – the kids know I can’t suffer them at all) as I drive children all over the county to keep them busy.

Relaxing? No.  Busy, scheduled, sleeping, not fighting?  YES.

Hello summer.

Thankfully I came across ANOTHER article (found here) that voiced the angst I was feeling at this idea of “Only 18 summers.”

Summers are not my friend.

But the like the article points out – Fall, Winter and Spring are.  I choose those.

So, I flick the smug speck of guilt that is sitting so primly on my heart off its temporary seat and send it sailing.

Summer for me started a little earlier than planned.  One sick child cut my last day of school year freedom short and I was grounded.  I sat and took stock of the summer schedule.  I lamented the lost quiet and did some mental prep talk to myself to get my mind summer ready.

And sang along with my husband this morning as he walked around the house singing the following to the famous Grease tune (with a slight alteration).

“Summer Robyn, she’s not a blast,

Summer Robyn, happened so fast.”

(Photo courtesy of Google images).

26 thoughts on “Summer Robyn, She’s Not a Blast

    1. I feel like such a Debbie Downer. Usually, in just a few weeks I am going to be SO tired of hearing myself say, “Please, STOP.” I am hoping to start this one with the glass half full mentality and hope this year will be different. Fingers crossed!

  1. I can hear you so much, I am lucky I don’t have to deal with the sort of pressure you have to. My heart goes out to you. Summer for me means 6 weeks of even more intense isolation. Retreating further into my shell. I worry one of these days I won’t be able to come out. So yes I fear the summer.

    1. Thank you! Wow, yes – that isolation would be tough. I hope blogging helps you stay somewhat connected, even though it is through a computer – I feel that having these contacts with you and other bloggers really helps me in that way.

    1. You know, I run so awful in the summer because of the heat. Slower, and I feel like death, that I don’t run outside at all. You would hate my routine – early morning treadmill 🙂

  2. Oh, I feel you! I hate the heat and I am grumpy grandma when the thermometer goes much over 85. Add an autistic child that I’m terrified to take anywhere alone because he weighs about 100lbs and sprints like an Olympic athlete, yeah…summer is no fun!
    Luckily his school runs their summer program immediately after the end of the regular year. It’s a shorter day but it’s something. There is a three week break in August but three weeks is better than three months!
    My eyes are always available for your ranting needs!💌

  3. I understand all what you have written, it doesn’t make you a bad person. You have lots to manage on normal days. Personally I’m not a summer lover either, roll on Autumn 🍂😉

  4. I’m absolutely with you on the heat, Robyn, I can’t bear it. I hate summer for many reasons, it’s my least favourite season. And I think that ’18 Summers’ thing is a load of parent propaganda – in reality, they’re much more likely to say “It’s only 18 summers (to put up with) and then they’re gone”. Ignore the smug parents, they know not what they say. 🙂 It’s nice to see someone have the guts to speak the truth!

    You seem to break up early for summer over there though. Ours don’t break up until towards the end of July, and even then I’m having to take Nathan out early to do my Welsh castle wander. When do yours go back?

    Great post, Robyn, and please feel free to keep ranting away! 🙂

    1. Ours go back the last week of August. Feels like so far away! Thank you so much, Alli!

      1. It is far away – goodness you do have a long summer, and I thought ours was long – they go back at the beginning of September. I doubly sympathise then! 🙂

  5. I know a lot of parents who just cram their kids into summer camps until school. You, on the other hand, are an ACTIVE parent. That’s the best job in the world… but the pay sucks…

    1. Thank you so much! I know – whenever they are giving me a hard time I always think of the character in The Goonies when she says, “I feel like I am babysitting and not getting paid.” Makes me smile (a little, at least 🙂 )

  6. I’m sorry for your fights and stresses, but you helped me feel more normal that I go through EXACTLY the same thing with mine!

    Here’s to getting through summer!

    1. Oh good! Glad you can relate – not glad that you have to go through the battles too but sometimes I feel like the odd ball.

      Here’s to getting through summer!

    1. Thank you so much, Jeff! I was worried it would come across the wrong way. So glad you loved this post!

  7. I love summer weather, but not summer break. Breaks longer than a week are hard. Tyson gets off his structured routines and schedules and we all know it. It’s hard, but there are many blessings, sometime’s we just have to look deeper in finding them. I am thankful this year that even though school is out for three months, his ABA is still in full swing in the afternoons, so I am getting a break. If Tyson had his way, we would be at the park and splash pad every day, but with limited mobility on my part that is not always possible. He hates being indoors and will only come in when the skys turn gray and thunder is heard. And the pool, oh yes, there is no relaxing there either, but the joy on his face in the water, makes up for the not being able to sit and lounge by the pool. Loved reading the other article you shared in your post and I know that you and I will get through this summer and a 100 others because we will do what is necessary, no matter what the cost of time for ourselves. I am praying this will be a great summer for you and your entire family! Hugs!

    1. You are right, Carlene – we will get through this and it will be a special summer in its own way. I will be praying the same for you! Hugs!

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