Social Distancing, Day 1

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“Aww! That was a close one!”





Gotta give them points on their creativity
On their “try and land the cup inside the shoe cup” game
The sound is annoying, but hey, they’re bonding

Can’t wait to see what they come up with next 😊

25 thoughts on “Social Distancing, Day 1

  1. Awesome that they’re starting off playing! Ben being solo is a curse (I’m expected to do whatever he wants) and a blessing (no sib fighting! My girls were/are awful)
    They’ve got creative imaginations, YouTube look out! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ’Œ

    1. I’m sure we are going to ride the “play or fight” wave (and maybe even a mixture of the two!) Oh my gosh, yes! They are going to burn a hole in YouTube from watching it so much! πŸ™‚

  2. I love their game πŸ™‚ My autistic 10yr old is refreshingly off at a tangent today. He’s convinced himself it’s New Years Day and keeps telling us to celebrate.

    1. They actually changed the size of the cup too – no one has made it yet, but you are right – they have two weeks to practice!

  3. Hahah that is very creative. That pic of them together on the stairs is so sweet. But if this is only day one then I don’t envy you waiting to see what happens next, hide the fine china! πŸ˜‚

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