Snow Day!

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Dressed in his snow pants and t-shirt, Declan patiently stared at the wall while he swayed from foot to foot.

The sun had recently popped over the horizon.  The SNOW day had officially begun.  Before he could go outside to play, though, I needed to feed him breakfast.

“Declan,” I said, “I’ll start making your breakfast as soon as I take this package to the mailbox and walk the dog.  Can you make sure Bobby is up and in his English class?  It starts in two minutes.”

I plugged in the waffle iron, grabbed my coat, and found the dog leash while Declan did the snow pants shuffle up the stairs.  As I bent to put the leash on the dog, I heard a mighty bellow from the upstairs.


“Wow, he is really good at this,” I thought, as I zipped up my coat, “I should get him to wake Bobby up every day.”

 Something fell in the bathroom as the bathroom door swung frantically open.

“Is everyone okay?” Bob called in wonder. “What the heck is going on?  Is someone hurt?”

“No one is hurt.  Just our ears.  Declan was getting Bobby up for class.”

“Oh.  Wow!  That was loud.”

High school and middle school classes began.  Dogs were walked.  Mail was mailed.  Waffles were made and consumed. 

Then a particularly important email had to be sent.

“Let’s just tell your teacher that you are not going to school to play in the snow.  She will understand.”

“We can’t say THAT!  They will make me sit on zoom all day if I tell them I am going to play in the snow.”

“No, they won’t, silly.  Okay, I will tell your teacher you are taking a sick day.”

“You have to tell them I AM sick so then they won’t make me sit on zoom.”

“No one is going to make you sit on zoom today.  You have gone to school every day.  You have done all your work.  You get to enjoy the snow day as it should be enjoyed.  I will tell them you are sick for today.  Okay?”

Declan’s face looked pained at my wording, but he nodded.  As he gathered his coat, gloves, hat, and boots, I heard him talking to himself. 

“I have gone to school every day.  I haven’t missed a day.  I have gone to school every day.  I’m going to play today.”

And off he went.  To play in all the snow day glory.

(Declan loves to eat the snow. We have had MANY talks about not eating ANY different colored snow)

Snow days are not the same as they used to be.  Virtual schooling has taken away the ability to sleep in on a day when the schools closed for snow.  Online learning has ended hours of sledding and snowman building.  As an adult, when your office moves to your basement, it doesn’t matter if the trains can’t take you downtown to your physical office. 

(From a real snow day five years ago)

In short, a ton of snow no longer equals a day off.

Unless you decide to claim the day on your own.  Which is what we did for D.

I’m not as concerned about the big kids getting a snow day.  When the truancy letters kept arriving, I realized my older gems had taken it upon themselves to skip classes they weren’t really interested in attending online to play videogames, video chat with friends, or watch YouTube. 

(I just hear “Zoomin'” to Smoky Robinson’s tune “Cruisin'”)

They’ve already claimed their days.  If they want to play in the snow today, they have a half-hour lunch and are done their days at 2. 

But D will play outside.  When he comes in for his clothes to dry in the dryer, he will jump on his trampoline or chill in his cozy canoe.  He will watch a movie and eat hot macaroni and cheese. Until it is time to go back outside and enjoy the snow for all its fun.

Today, Declan will have an official snow day.  He’s earned it!

28 thoughts on “Snow Day!

    1. Thank you! I would have given my older ones off if they hadn’t taken their own time already and if I thought they would do something OUTSIDE of their rooms 🙂 They just live in their anymore!

  1. Are you getting that NYC storm? It sounds fun. Our storm has switched over to some sort of snow/rain/sleet mixture that isn’t adding any more inches, but it’s sure to make the driveway hard to shovel. I have mixed feelings about the snow day issue. Eli only has mandatory zoom attendance on Friday and two days in class. It really isn’t enough school.

    1. That is what our “snow” looks like now. I took the morning to write and now I am on my way to deal with the driveway. Yikes, it looks heavy and wet.

      Ours went to a full five day schedule whether you are in the classroom or not. Last marking period I discovered Bobby and Catelyn have skipped over 50 classes combined. The only way I am ever going to be sure they are going to their class is if they are physically there. So to me, they already had their snow day. Uggghh.

      1. I’m guessing it’s a problem throughout your district. I get a ton of emails from school reminding parents to remind kids to use the check-in app. As near as I can tell, Eli is where he’s supposed to be. I’ve scheduled my ‘snow-shoveling-workout for late afternoon.

        1. I think Bobby plain flat out skipped some. Catelyn says she has signed onto every class, but will sign off before the teacher takes attendance again at the end of class. I just finished but I think I will be out there again later.

  2. That’s so wonderful! I hope everyone had fun playing in (and eating) the snow! 🙂 I like how Declan was a tad weary of saying he was going out to play, and instead insisted that you say he was sick. Very clever 😁 Haha I definitely know where he was coming from. It’s neat how children think! Have a wonderful week ❤️

  3. I am so very glad you did this for Declan. He looks and sounds like he enjoyed the break and I’m glad you took a mental health day for yourself too!

    And I have to add I love your living room bay window and Declan’s bean bag. What a nice snug comfy place to just chill out.

    Had the chuckle at your older kids already having claimed their snow days. I can only imagine high school teachers talking to an online room of faceless and video less profiles!

    1. Oh, I know! I have seen Bobby zoom where all the teacher could see was the ceiling. Or the days all you could see was the top of his hair (I guess you could say he was still there, “in class”). And those are the ones I know he has tried. My kids have tested every one of the teacher’s limits. And you are right – the entire zoom class looks like a bunch of empty screens. I can’t imagine teaching (or learning) from that. Anyway, no snow days for them. But D had that best day ever and is excited about a Tuesday repeat. So am I! 🙂

  4. YAY!!! I’m so glad you guys got the snow!!
    I’m not surprised the big kids took their days already. Miss Sass is gonna keep you on your toes. I’m still amazed my daughters survived their teens😉
    Hurray for “snow days”! We used to call the girls out on beautiful spring days and call them “snow days”. Just too pretty to be in school!!❄💕

    1. I know, I am so happy for him! We are even deeper under the snow that is STILL falling – so another snow for the little guy it is! He is so happy!

  5. “I have gone to school every day. I haven’t missed a day. I have gone to school every day. I’m going to play today.” Sounds like this could go in a children’s book.

  6. You are an amazing Mom! I am sure other parents of special needs children are encouraged by your posts!

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