Our House is a Zoo

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“Oh look!” The vet assistant said with a smile to the vet while pointing to my lap, “She’s making biscuits!”

“What?!  What is that?!” I asked in horrified wonder.

“It means she chooses you!”

I looked in confusion at the cat now nestling on my lap.

“Well, here then – you take her!” I said trying to offer the cat up to the veterinarian assistant to no avail.

“She chooses you – it’s a good thing, I promise.”

And I looked back to the cat pawing away at my lap.  The one that the vet said appeared to be 5-6 years old and only weighed five pounds.  And eventually took it home.

Our house is turning into a zoo.

Earlier in the month we had agreed to adopt a dog from a foster family.

A puggish looking thing named Penny.


My husband and I laugh at her face a bit – we are thinking her relatives are either

1.      The Dr. from Cannonball Run

2.      Yoda

See what I mean?

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Turns out Penny is a happy loving thing.  Totally loves her toys.  And is acclimating well with Molly, our lab.

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Not so good – Penny is still learning to potty train..

So, on a frigid, cold day I asked Cate to bundle up and take pretty Penny out for a walk to get her business moving outside.

A minute after going out, I hear the front door open.  Penny is present, but Catelyn is not.  A couple of minutes later, we look outside – to see Catelyn holding a cat.

A thin, gaunt looking cat was trying to stay warm in our bush in.  After one can of tuna (and much discussion) we did what we thought was the right thing to do and took the cat to the vet.

And from the vet, we took the cat home to our 2 dog, three fish, one frog household.

Day 1:


To put it mildly, I don’t know a thing about cats.  The most time I ever spent with a cat was with the one I had to dissect in Biology 2 my senior year of high school.  And even though I had to name every muscle and bone in the cat’s body – I don’t remember much.

And I certainly never witnessed any of the cat’s behaviors.

But after a quarantine of 10 days to be sure the cat did not have rabies, and three meals a day – I would say the cat is doing well.

Day 10:

Of course, the kids love their new pets.  The only problem for me is that Declan likes to have conversations with each of them – so I need to provide each their own voice (you can read about Molly’s voice here).  And I have been scolded for not using the right voice for the right pet.

Now, at night, I sit and read with a cat on my lap.  Figuring the best way to pet it while it sits and makes biscuits in my lap, purring away happily.

Come February, I am totally going to sneak to neighbors’ houses and place any stray animals I find in my house in their front bushes because my goodness –

This place is a zoo!

34 thoughts on “Our House is a Zoo

  1. My mom adopted strays until she got up to three. One is missing an eye and half its teeth. That one is a pretty wacky looking pug. All in all, it’s a sad looking bunch… but, great company…

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that she had three children…

    1. Good for her! Thankfully this one is nice and is making my transition into the cat world a pretty good one. I agree – that is why I am going with “puggish” – I feel she just needs that ish qualifier 🙂

    1. Well, in my experience – yes. They are calming to pet. And for my son who doesn’t really have any friends, he has relationships with the pets. he talks with them and asks them about their day, what they like – all of it. And they notice the extra time he spends with them and stay with him – especially when he sleeps on the ground or couch. They are right there laying with him or on him – which I am sure he likes as he sleeps with a weighted blanket.

      1. Our cat just died a couple weeks ago and our son’s fish is not doing well. This particular son is scheduled to have an evaluation for an autism screening and with all our pets we’ve lost in the last few years we were debating if another one was a good choice. He’s been struggling a lot with the passing of them all. I love your posts and I think you’ll be of tremendous help! You’re such a blessing to your son! Thank you for the reply!

        1. We did not have pets for about 4 years. We had two beagles that passed away when Declan was 2. He was not very affected by their loss. A couple of years later he would tell someone, “we used to have dogs but they are with Jesus now.” Then he wanted a pet so we told him when he started to use the potty we would consider a dog. He finally mastered the potty at 6 and said, “now we can get a dog.” So, we did! Now we have a lot more 🙂 Thank you so much! Good luck to you!

  2. What you are calling the cat making biscuits is actually kneading your lap. Trying to make it softer for his nap! Just make sure you keep your cat’s litter box clean (as clean as you can) offer a clean water source feed on regular schedule, and the animal will live a good life!

    Please do not remove the cat’s claws. It needs them to defend itself if it ever escapes out side!

  3. My house is a zoo also. We have our shepherd mix dog, our tortie cat, 2 bearded dragons and a corn snake.
    A purring kitty in your lap is very relaxing. Great for lowering your blood pressure!

    1. Wow, you do have a zoo too! I swear I feel like I am on a farm in the morning – walking bowls and plates of food around for each animal. Then getting them out and cleaned up – you must feel it too!
      You’re right – I am still a little jumpy every time she moves suddenly, but when she is purring I am calm and content – good stuff!

  4. It is a zoo, that’s a good thing for Declan. Our son is desperately trying to convince me to get one more pet. You are too good, I used the same voice for all of them. Does a frog that comes and sits in the tumble dryer vent count as a pet? For all the hard work they are so relaxing. Maybe one may become your running partner.

    1. They are relaxing, that is true! Little sleeping bodies laying on my lap definitely help bring calmness and peace. Molly used to be my running buddy – and she still is if I am going out really early in the morning alone. I even have a reflective vest for her to wear. But during the day she is awful – she loves people so much she drags me to get to them. She is so strong! But she can do five miles at a nice clip – I’ll give her that!

  5. One more reason we call our household the Herd…in addition to our three children (two of them ADHD, one of those also autistic), we have two dogs (labradoodle and yorkie), two cats, and three fish. It’s never-ending insanity!

  6. Lol I know how you feel! We’re fostering 2 puppies right now. My friend’s cat is coming to stay with us for almost a month, overlapping the puppies. Plus the girls just for fish. It’s overwhelming! 😂

        1. I bet! My friend is a dog foster family and whenever she has a puppy, I usually hear “We didn’t sleep well last night” 🙂 But it is so great what you and other foster families do – connecting pets with their forever families!

  7. We’ve never had a dog but have been seriously thinking about it for years. We think Jake would love it – lots of the reasons you give about dogs & autistic kids are where we’re at. We kinda reason that it’s like having a baby and there’s never going to be a perfect time to get one – just need to take the leap!

    1. Oh, that is great! I am telling you the dogs love my Declan the most. He spends so much time with them, talking with them that he is their go to person. Good luck!

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