On the Trails of Self-Discovery

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I have finally figured out the things I think about when I am out walking/running.

They say you aren’t supposed to move or relocate a turtle except if you are just trying to help it across the street.  The turtle only moves around his home, and removing him from his home will stress him out for the rest of his life.  I wonder if it is the same for flies.  Because you are REALLY annoying me, fly!  Go home!  Your family misses you!

Is my foot falling asleep?  What, am I boring you, foot?  Wake up!  I wonder if I just tied my shoe too tight…

I always wanted to be like Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House on the Prairie.  I used to watch the show when I lived in Kansas and wanted to run through the field just like she did.  It looked so pretty seeing her run through the prairie like that.  Wait, what was THAT?!?! Was that a snake?  Something furry just ran in there.  I don’t want to run in these fields at all.  Nope, nopity, nope.

It’s so quiet out here.  I bet I could meditate.  I have never been able to clear my mind before.  But there is literally nothing out here except nature.  Okay, be in the moment.  My mind is clear.  I am listening to my footsteps.  I can hear the birds sing.  I can hear the bugs chirping.  Oh, damn, fly!  Stop buzzing by my ear!  GO HOME!! THEY MISS YOU!!

About two months ago, I tried to prove to Catelyn that I could still do a cartwheel (and maybe, that mine was better than hers).  I did not complete the cartwheel and, instead, hurt my leg.  I hobbled away, mentally crossing “cartwheel” off the things I can still do.

The great part about meeting 6 feet away from my gym instructors is that one of my classes was taught by the gym’s movement and mobility specialist/massage therapist.  A quick description of my pain and the limited range of my leg’s mobility led to a diagnosis and movement plan.

“That’s not piriformis. That’s your hamstring.  Do this stretch like this, this stretch, roll a tennis ball here and when you run, stop every once in a while, and walk backward.  Also, take some time to walk backward UPHILL.”

I nodded, taking in all the notes.  Done.

Five days ago, I decided to do something I hadn’t done in – well – ever.  I decided to stop running until my leg was healed.  I am actually going to rest an injury.  For two months, I had run with a sore leg.  While my right leg pulled me along, my left leg moved forward half the distance it should.  My runs were slow.  As slow as they were, they took a TON of energy.  I was miserable.

In the past week, Declan somehow came across a scary monster – Cartoon Cat.  It was when I couldn’t get a moment to myself that I realized Declan had the bejesus scared out of him.  For the past week, Declan has gone everywhere I have gone.  The only private time I get is in the bathroom, while Declan sits (somewhat) patiently right outside.

To take my trainer’s advice and hit the trails, I parked Declan right next to Bobby for one hour (while Bob worked in the basement).  To walk.  Two days after I had decided to stop running, I jogged short flat distances and stopped.  I turned around and walked backward.  If I wasn’t walking backward up a hill, I was just walking it.  I am going to get my leg working again.

In the process, I took mental notes.  I had never thought about what I actually thought about when I went running.  On walking empty trails and backward journeys, my mind is actually very entertaining. At least to me.

21 thoughts on “On the Trails of Self-Discovery

    1. Thank you! You are right. It is so hard to stop the activities we enjoy but it is so necessary!

  1. Yes! For me, one of the major joys of being out in nature with just my dogs, walking or running, is letting the mind wander, listening (internally) as it takes me where it wants to go. Some of my best creative/writing ideas have come while running in the forest. Or I work through whatever is frustrating me or making me angry with a good internal rant and – without other distractions – I usually come up with a solution to the underlying problem within a mile or two and poof! the frustration/anger is gone.

    While I enjoy running with others, I don’t get the same benefit of mindfulness that comes with being alone.

    Happy to learn you’re getting back out there and finding similar benefits. Hope that hamstring heals quickly.

    1. Thank you! It was nice to clear my mind – I usually go to a paved trail that is more crowded. Since I didn’t want the crowd, I went to the nature trail and it was so quiet and peaceful. I love it!

  2. Trying to do a cartwheel… that’s right up there with my injured rotator cuff from an overenthusiastic fist pump🤣🤣 Our minds refuse to accept our body’s limitations. Glad you got some good, free advice to help you heal!

    Poor Declan. I’ve never seen Ben scared. Hmmm… I wonder if I’ve just missed it or if his fear is like his pain, almost nonexistent…

    I love your internal monologue! Stupid fly!😠😂😂

    1. Oh my gosh that fly was driving me crazy! I was swatting my head with a towel I brought for almost a whole mile. When I got back to my car my hair was spiking out all over the place 🙂 Stupid fly!
      Haha! That must have been some fist bump! I hear ya. I set up for the cartwheel like I was a 7 year old, ready to throw my whole body into it. Definitely not a good idea! I am glad I got some tips because I was trying different things for the pain but apparently, not the right things.
      Oh my, Declan even had an accident because he wouldn’t just go use the other bathroom while I was in the one downstairs. I didn’t know he had to go, but he wouldn’t even leave for an emergency. He likes to play the game Cuphead – it has really cool 1930’s animation. I think he went down that YouTube path because this Cartoon Cat has the same graphics. That is about all I know about him – except Declan is terrified of him!

  3. Yay. You’re on trails. For the most part, my mind stops working completely while I run trails. Because I can’t see more than twenty yards ahead, I don’t think about the rest of the run. I run the moment I’m in. My mind certainly isn’t entertaining when I run.

    1. Mine isn’t either. I had to walk and I think I was slightly physically bored but had time to think.

  4. I reckon exercise is like sleep for our brains, it’s a time for our minds to sort through stuff. It’s almost like dreaming while you’re awake. Very entertaining post, Robyn, it made me smile, and I realise that my brain is like that too! 😀

  5. When I was younger, I decided to show my wife that I could still do a jumping spinning back-kick… despite her telling me that she really didn’t need to have that proven. That was the first time I ever sprained my ankle…

    1. Ouch! Yes, I know that pain. I walked away with it when I couldn’t complete something I had done a million times before.

  6. PoorDeclan. It’s no fun being scared. I’m like you, I’ve been carrying a leg problem for months. Certainly constantly turning in the small garden was doing it no favours. So when I started to think about our lockdown stretching in 2021, the penny finally dropped. No running until I can run the trails again. Let’s see if just using an exercise bike helps. So hope your legs sorts itself out.

  7. That looked like such a nice peaceful walk from the picture. And your thoughts are indeed very amusing especially about the fly! Hope your leg continues to heal and feel better.

  8. Love this! I often think I should start documenting my mindless thoughts, and even my anxious ones! Resting up is hard, especially when you’re so used to moving. Take it easy and quick recovery, looking forward to more reading from you!

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