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“Mom, I want to eat macaroni and cheese.  Please make me macaroni and cheese.”

“Mom, I can’t find my cleats.”

“Mom, I need you to take me to John’s house.  We are going to play basketball.”

“Mom, I don’t want to get in the car to take Bobby to John’s house!  I want to stay here!”

“Mom, there is someone at the door with brochures in their hand.”

“Mom, where is the laundry?  The only socks I have that feel right are in there and I need them for practice.”

“Mom, I need you to take me to practice.”

“Mom, the remote’s not working!”

“Mom, the dog just ran out of the house.  I guess she will go live with someone else now.”

“Mom, where is my charger? I left it RIGHT here.  You move things.  Where did you move my charger?”

“Mom, I can’t eat that macaroni and cheese.  It looks weird.”

“Mom, can I have three of my friends sleep over?”

“Mom, heeeee hiiiiiiit meeeeeeeee……”

“Mom, can you move my trampoline over here?”




And we all know that hiding in the bathroom doesn’t work.  They know you are in there and two of mine are brazen enough to unlock the door from the outside to get their demands met.

Seven years ago, I left full-time work to come home and be a stay at home mom.  Bobby was having problems at his daycare (as I wrote about here) and would be starting half day kindergarten.  The daycare did not provide transportation to the school, so he could get to kindergarten.  What was I going to do?  And when I looked at the cost of putting three kids (one an infant) in daycare, my paycheck was all but spent.

Over the past seven years, a lot has happened.  Two autism diagnoses.  I was needed at home to be a really involved, hands on parent.  Thankfully, we were blessed that this could be an option for us.

I love my kids.  I love helping my kids.  I love my kid’s busy schedules – some parts more than others – but I love that they are involved in lots of activities.

Last week I learned that I also love putting my kids on the school bus and sending them off to school.  FOR THE WHOLE DAY.

This is the first year that all three of my kids are in school for the whole day.  For the past five years, Declan went to special education preschool and then to kindergarten.  The longest he was away was three hours.

Now the kids leave one by one in the morning and come home seven hours later.  What?!  How awesome is that?!

My time is well spent.  I can go to the store and remember everything on my list.  If I forget something, I can easily just go back and get the item.  I can write without a constant interruption.  I can run for hours and not worry about bus schedules.  I can complete tasks without being interrupted and then forget my train of thought.

And when my kids come home, I am grounded, ready to meet their needs and requests with a clearer mind.

I am happy for them at school.  I a happy for them to be with their friends.  I am happy for them to learn new things.  I am at peace, knowing they are well supported when they are away from me.  I am excited for the new opportunities that each day has for them.

And I am also happy for me.  Those were some challenging years.  And after hearing, “MOM!” on constant repeat this summer, I am totally digging some hours to myself! 😊

19 thoughts on ““Mom…Mom!…MOM!!”

  1. 😀 Enjoy it. For a while after they started school full time, I would read and book and feel like I heard them calling. Meaning I interrupted myself hearing AMMA! 🙂

  2. Congratulations – enjoy the peace and quiet as well as the noise when the return home! This time in life flies by so quickly!! 🙂

  3. YAY!!! Alone time! I’m still waiting for mine… At least Ben is at school, but his mama works the overnight shift now so she’s home and my younger works evenings, so she’s home too. My fondish wish is to be alone in my house 😕

    1. Awww, man! I am totally digging the silence all around me for the day. Wishing you some silent “ME” time soon!

  4. Congratulations on reaching this point in your life. Now the question is what are you planning on doin g with your new free time? Researching new meal plans for your families meals? Cleaning and organizing the house to better suit your family’s needs? The list could go on and on…

    1. I know! I have cleaned this place to the “T” – even pulled the stove out to clean all the crumbs that (and apparently toys and change!) that have fallen down there! I seem to have a list every day of things I want to tackle. But it has only been a week – so I just got to keep that list full (I’m not much of an idler – like to keep moving 🙂 )

  5. Hi! I can relate to the whole Mom on Demand thing kids universally know about. Now that you have time to yourself remember to do things for momma! I invite you to my blog. It’s like a whole new world without our lovely little ones, hopefully I can share some tips that will inspire you to do more for yourself…while they’re gone. 😉

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