Making New (Unique) Memories

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“Hey, guys!  How are you all doing today?” A bright, cheery voice called from the computer.

Declan stared at the computer and nodded his head.

“Good,” he answered with a few other zoomers in his group social skills meeting.

“Great!  Declan, why don’t you start a conversation with Brad?”

Declan looked at the computer for a minute.

“I’m sorry,” he answered, “I forgot what I am supposed to say.”

“That’s okay!” His social skills teacher replied, “That is why we have these meetings.  Why don’t you try to say something like…..”

It’s been another busy week of online learning.  We’re all getting the hang of this and having fun with each other in the process.

When it came to submitting homework online, what started like this:

Is now like this:

Pretending there’s a ghost in the room – she’s a funny one!

Declan’s meetings continue to keep him busy.  This week he had a meeting with his class while finishing up a meeting with his speech therapist. 

His class was doing a special project for Mother’s Day, which I helped with until Declan could jump in.  Once he was finished with speech and was working on his project with his class, he politely asked, “Can you please go now?” I handed him a piece of folded paper and left.

This morning Declan went to his hiding spot and pulled out the special surprise he worked on with his class.  A lovely card for me😊

I love it!

Not only are we having a great time as a family learning together, laughing together, celebrating holidays – in general, just talking more than we ever did – we are also seeing and celebrating each other on our street.

A month ago, our neighbors celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  They had to cancel their celebratory trip to the islands, and instead, they sat in the back of a neighbor’s truck with a bottle of champagne and were cheered and toasted by everyone on the street as they were slowly driven around.

Yesterday, two college graduates sat in the back of another truck in their caps and gowns.  Unable to graduate on stage as planned with family and friends, they were cheered and congratulated by neighbors as they were driven around the street.

Another day a neighbor went house to house to get family quarantine shots.  Not having a family photo in a long time, we happily obliged. (P.S. This is now our Christmas card picture – Merry Early Christmas!)

I have since learned how to cut the boys hair (Shhhh – they thought I knew what I was doing before I started) but since it is a quarantine photo, the hairballs fit.

We’re ready for another week here in quarantineville.  Making new unique memories that we will surely remember for years to come.

Hope everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day!

35 thoughts on “Making New (Unique) Memories

  1. Bob wasn’t on tip toe😂😂😂 How tall is Bobby now? It’s a great picture! How awesome is your neighborhood?! What we need is exactly more of what your neighbors are doing!! People getting to know & care about their neighbors. Celebrating together, watching out for each other.
    Cate is hysterical! I love it! She reminds me of when my girls were still in school.

    Happy Mother’s Day, Robyn!💐💖💌

    1. I know! 🙂 Haha – I think they are both somewhere around 6’2″ battling for first “tallest” place. Thank you! My gosh, yesterday when the grads were coming around with the graduation music playing, they each had their college flag off the side of the car and holy cow, I was teary eyed! So special to see! Love that the parents and neighborhood organized this special moment for the girls, and for the 50th anniversary celebration. Everything was made “coranoavirus” special. Loved it!
      She is! Keeps me on my laughter toes 🙂 The other day she started giving Molly the lab CPR singing “Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Alive, Staying Alive…” to each beat. I don’t know where she comes up with this stuff, but she keeps me laughing 🙂
      Thank you so much! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!!!

  2. Happy Mother’s Day! I love the card and how creative it is. 😊 And the image you described of your neighbours being slowly driven down the street is a wonderful one. Congrats on surviving another week of online learning and on getting your Christmas family photo done early!

    1. Thank you so much! He did do a great job and he wanted it to be a surprise – love it! 🙂 My street is amazing at coming together to celebrate things so they won’t get lost in this thing and I love that too. Makes everything special in a unique way, it is great! Whew! I know – usually I have to use three different photos of each one of the kids for the Christmas card, let alone have a picture of all 5 of us! It is great to have that done. Having a quarantine photo makes it even more special 🙂

  3. I liked how you portrayed the bright side of the Lockdown. I totally agree that we have learnt so much. I chuckled when you said, kids thought you knew how to do hair cut. Hair cut is one funny fact going around. He has always done for my younger one and older one too at times but the fun part was I learnt to cut for my husband, surprisingly he loved it!

    1. I was holding my breath when my husband went to look in the mirror after my first haircut – and he liked it! Said I could do his hair from now on even after the quarantine is over! I guess we learned something new about ourselves we never knew we could do before. Awesome!

  4. Yup! Great photo! Another week has passed! More experimenting in the kitchen with some success (not all) and I’ve resorted to buying my own waxing kit … too much information perhaps, but I felt the need to share! This was a new memory for sure and one that won’t be forgotten 😂 Katie

    1. Oh, I hear ya! I had to buy the clippers online and figured I had seen them get their haircut a hundred times – how bad could I mess up? Thankfully, not too bad 🙂 She cracks me up 🙂

  5. Each situation tests our ability to find new ways to cope while we teach. The question is: will we pass the test.

  6. Great post, Robyn. It’s good to see how people have been adapting to quarantine and managing to still enjoy a celebration, even if it wasn’t how things were planned. I guess we’re a stoical lot, us humans, and we soldier on even in the strangest conditions. Great photos of your family – they really made me smile. Hope you had a great Mother’s Day. 🙂

  7. That’s a great family picture, and that’s cool how your neighbors are celebrating each other. That card your son made was so sweet, thanks for sharing your positivity.

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