It’s THAT Time of Year Again

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Declan sits at his desk with eyes gazing out the window. I am sitting on the exercise ball next to him trying to keep myself mentally engaged during zoom.

“Declan, look at the screen. Do you understand what the teacher is saying?”

“Who do you think would win in a battle? Jason or Freddy?”

“Declan, we’ll talk about that after school. Pay attention to the screen.”

Declan looks blankly at the computer screen. A minute later, he turns to face me.

“I can’t wait to go to Halloween Adventure this weekend,” he states with a smile.

“Declan, you need to do well during your zooms in order to earn a trip to the Halloween store. Now, let’s pay attention to the teacher.”

“It’s Halloween season. I always go to Halloween Adventure on Saturdays. The store opens at 10. I get to go on Saturdays at 10.”

I let out a sigh. “Please just focus on the teacher.”

For the rest of that zoom, and every other zoom we’ve participated in, the conversation remains the same. I point to the screen and he points out something to do with Halloween.

It’s that time of year again. THAT time of year. Declan’s favorite holiday is upon us.


Since there is not much for Declan to do these days, I let him decorate early.

I’m sure the hooks were installed for Christmas stockings. But I think the Freddy gloves are a nice Halloween touch.

Declan has gotten into character.

And has spent the past four Saturdays at the Halloween store. I honestly want to bring a folding chair to sit as the store is his new playground. He can, and would, play for hours there if I let him.

All I see of Declan at the stores. His back.

A lot of time has been spent on Declan’s costume this year. Declan started watching YouTube videos early and created his own Cartoon Cat costume out of paper mache.

Apparently Cartoon Cat takes pleasure in eating the organs of children. Of course, he does, right!?! Costume props were required!

And if THOSE DIY YouTube videos weren’t enough, Declan wanted a Cartoon Cat plush made out of felt.

Unfortunately, this project did not have a “How To” video, and I had to wing it. I really wasn’t motivated to make a plush, and ran into a few roadblocks.

Turns out, if you throw your scissors at your sewing box in frustration, you really CAN go through the wood (if frustrated JUST enough).
But when your child is thrilled with the outcome, it was all worth it.

At this point, I am trying to keep Declan away from YouTube before he has me sculpting this cat out of clay, or some other medium. I have a feeling, the way Declan continues to play in his costume, we will be making another one before Halloween. But he is having fun, in his favorite season.

Fingers crossed, Declan is to return to in school learning in a few weeks. Because he is in the special education program, we have the option for him to go back four days a week, which I totally accepted. Online learning is not for him as he is unable to separate school and home when he is in the home. He is not learning right now and I can see that he has regressed a lot.

Until then, we will sit through zooms. He will talk about Halloween and I will direct his attention back to a screen. On Saturdays at 10, you’ll find me trailing behind him at the Halloween store. Because it is THAT time of year again.

Some funny final thoughts:

Happy Halloween!

37 thoughts on “It’s THAT Time of Year Again

  1. Am I reading this right. He can focus on a video about how to make a mask with enough attention and comprehension to make the mask but he can’t focus on the teacher? Sounds about right. 🙂 Maybe the teacher needs to make You-tube videos instead of being live. Maybe math and writing videos about his favorite characters. Maybe you can suggest it to her.
    I’m glad he’ll be going back to school in person soon. That’s beginning here in a few weeks with each district having a different model. I hope it all works out.
    Curious about who’s frustration level reached the point of scissors throwing, yours or Declans. You are one patient and dedicated mama.

    1. It was a group effort 🙂 I wasn’t allowed out of my chair until the plushie was made. After a day of zoom…you know. I had hit my limit 🙂
      You are right. When he wants to learn something he is SO focused. On everything else, not so much. The kids are supposed to be learning their multiplication tables. Declan still needs to use manipulatives to add 8+8 or really, to add anything 5 and up. Subtraction is worse. I am sure he would be having more practice in school, but won’t do anything extra here. I am glad he will be with a teacher soon. I think he needs it!

  2. The frustration of trying to create something for the kiddos and their latest obsession.🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ I tell myself it’s nice he believes I can do *anything*… yeah, doesn’t work🤯 I give the speech about pieces of my exploded head everywhere and get the “Zoom stare”😂😂😂

    When is your Happy Dance day? That’s awesome news!!

    I don’t dare take Daughter or Ben to a Halloween store. It would cost me several hundred dollars to get them out. Ben has his new Batman costume, plus his Mr Incredible costume. By the time Halloween gets here there may be a 3rd or 4th🙄🌈😂😂💕

    1. Oh my, yes. He was so fixated on making the mask that I left to drop the big kids off at their practices to come home and see him with a bowl of flour water and newspaper. His didn’t turn out so well, but I loved his effort and decided to help. That plush though – I wasn’t allowed out of my chair until it was done. After a day of zoom – it’s a wonder something else didn’t feel my wrath 🙂
      The 26th, fingers crossed! I cannot wait! The big kids aren’t going back yet, but that is okay. Declan needs to go back. For both our sakes!

      1. The 26th. I’ll help you countdown! I can’t imagine how rough it’s been for you & D. Well I kinda can, but you have been handling it. Maybe not as good as you think you *should*, but you are a superhero!! I just have Ben, you’ve got D & Miss Sass and the two Big Boys😉…

        21 days to go…🚍👋💃🏼🎉

  3. I’m so pleased to hear Declan can finally go back to school properly, Robyn, it’ll do him the world of good. In the meantime, you’re doing exactly the right thing – whatever it takes to keep him happy. Who cares if you decorate for Halloween early? He looks great in his costume!
    We’re not allowed to have Halloween over here because of the virus, which I think is a totally over-the-top reaction and is very unfair on the kids. I’m not looking forward to breaking the news to Nathan that he can’t go trick-or-treating this Halloween and everyone has to stay cooped up at home. So its going to be a strange one this year, like everything else.

    Nathan can’t do school at home either. To him, school is school and home is home, and never the twain shall meet! And in truth, I get that.

    1. Exactly! School is school and home is home. We had the worst time with homework in years past. He did work at school and played at home. He shouldn’t have to do anything school at home, that is crazy! I don’t know why I thought maybe this online learning would be different.
      That stinks! Our township left the decision up to the homeowners. If you want to participate, you can, just wear a mask. If you don’t just turn your light’s off. I am glad for this – Declan would be heart broken to miss his favorite holiday. I hope it goes okay for Nathan!

      1. It is pretty awful that they’ve effectively banned Halloween this year. It’s ridiculous considering everyone is out in the open air. Still, at least Declan will be able to enjoy it. We’ll have to try and adapt it for Nathan.

  4. “At this point, I am trying to keep Declan away from YouTube before he has me sculpting this cat out of clay, or some other medium…” 😂 Good idea!

    Halloween is indeed upon us and it’s too bad that it’s finally landed on a Saturday and we can’t be out to enjoy it! I am so bummed about that.

    The decoration looks great and very interesting to now what Cartoon Cat finally looks like!

    I don’t think he’s old enough to watch it but there is a Freddy vs Jason movie that does give an idea of who’ll win in such a battle.

    Gotta admit I’m a huge horror movie fan and can’t wait to introduce them to T when he’s older.

    Enjoy the next 4 weeks and then it’s a Santa fever!

    1. Haha! It is so funny you say that – when someone asks him if he has actually seen any of these movies he replies with, “No, they are not suitable for children to watch.” Cracks me up! I have no idea how he got into this culture, but he loves it. Hopefully, he still will after he sees the movies!
      Our township left Halloween up to the residents. You can participate in trick or treating if you want – just wear a mask. But there are no obligations. I think there will be less people out, which is good. We live in a big neighborhood where kids get dropped off because there are so many houses. We usually only get through a few streets before Declan is tired. Depending on the crowd, we may just let him walk our street to show the neighbors his costume and then head home. But I am glad we have the choice.

  5. Reminds me of our annual visit to Halloween Spirit. I’m not sure if Eli has outgrown that yet. I’ll think of you as we browse clown masks and maces and latex scars. Have you been to Field of Screams? This probably isn’t the right year with covid and all, but my kids absolutely LOVED it.

    1. Sounds terrifying. I’m not really into scary stuff. If Declan ever wanted to go, Catelyn or Bob will have to take him. (Bobby is a big baby with that stuff too 🙂 ). Have fun with your trip to the Halloween store! I have four more left until the season is over. My goal is to keep them as $5 or less visits!

  6. That cat mask is creepier than the hockey mask…

    I used to paper mache masks and pinatas for my kids. They were always enthusiastic no matter how crappy I made them. You, on the other hand, seemed to have done a good job, Robyn…

    1. Thanks! Maybe a little too good. The conversation now revolves around making more paper mache masks of different creatures. I might have to tank my next one so we can take a small break from masks.

  7. Hey guys,
    I am Jaka from Speech Blubs. I just found your blog page and I love the content! I would very much love to do a content collaboration (we have a blog page with over 300 articles, many of them focusing on autism, written by speech and language pathologists). Do you have an email through which I can reach you?

    Kind regards,

    1. His school takes up my whole day. And then I have the other two vying for my attention on certain subjects. It is definitely something I had to adjust to. But I think I am starting to get the hang of it.

  8. That opening conversation would be exactly the same if I was trying to do that zoom call with my son. The content might change from day to day to pokemon, Minecraft SCP’s or his latest interest….Japanese mythical creatures 😳 but when he was at home no homeschooling went. He just wouldn’t accept it.

    Both the kids are excited for Halloween season, so am I to be honest, I love it 😃

    1. Oh, it is so frustrating. I am excited for him to go back to school and learn stuff.
      I was never really in to Halloween. He has opened my eyes to the holiday and the fun of it. We are on a new paper mache mask – Jack Skellington. I agree to do these things, so I figure that I must like it too! 🙂

  9. Your conversation at the first is very entertaining (from a second-hand point of view). My cousin’s daughter has ADHD and I watched her struggle to pay attention to her zoom class.

    1. The struggle is real! When it is D and one other person, he is fine. But in the “zoom room” there is a lot of chatter which is very distracting. The teacher is moving on when D can’t find his materials. It is just a different environment. It’s tough!

      1. By the way, I’m a huge horror fan so the website is tame to me. In case you’re not into horror movies or culture, don’t get terrified by the content. 😂

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