Guess Who’s Back… Back Again…

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“Let’s just put a fake cast on his leg and leave a note saying, “Sorry, Declan!  I can’t move this year!”  I’ve seen it done on Facebook before.  The idea is genius!”  I whispered to Bob at the Thanksgiving table.

We both turned our attention to the other side of the dinner table where a little eight-year-old was giggling with delight.

“We can’t do that,” Bob whispered back, “Look how excited he is!”

I watched as Declan’s hands shook as he looked to the ceiling and finally burst, “I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE MY ELF ON THE SHELF!  HE COMES BACK TOMORROW!”

The family at the dinner table laughed and I smiled, resigning myself to moving the elf for the next 25 days.

I guess the moving of the elf is not the reason I tried to break the elf’s leg (boy, that does sound bad even when I write it).  It’s the REMEMBERING to move the elf that’s the problem.

And really, finding the time to get away to move the elf is always a challenge.  Declan does not like to be alone and sleeps on an air mattress next to me.  We go to bed at the same time and there is rarely a day he is not waking up with me (if not before me).

If you have followed this blog for a bit you know there is something special about our family.  We take two cars wherever we go just in case Declan needs to leave an event before it is over.  I can take Declan home safely, while my husband keeps the older kids to represent our family. 

On THIS ride home from Thanksgiving dinner Bob used his wonderful “Dad Brain” to help fix our weakness in elf moving memory.  As I drove Declan home in one car, he drove the big kids in the other.  AND he enlisted the two big kids to help.

The two happily agreed, excited even, to get in on the elf magic.  And I gave Bob a great big high-5 as I took Declan to bed.  The elf would move this year.  Problem solved!

Declan was up at the crack of dawn and was not COMPLETELY disappointed in finding the elf, reindeer and dog (I mean, the elf HAS to have his elf pets with him, of course).  He was just a little confused.

We both looked at the elf that was sitting on the curtain rod with squinty eyes. 

“That’s not MY elf,” Declan said.  “I wonder who this is and where MY elf is?”

“Where the heck did they find this guy?” I wondered as I stared at the mystery elf and shrugged, moving on with my day.

One of the best things about Declan right now are the lists.  His teacher encourages him to sound out his words to write – perfect spelling isn’t required.  Just get your idea across.  And I get to find all his ideas.

The Christmas to do list sat on the kitchen table.

And his list to welcome the new elf sat on the ground below the elf on his curtain rod.

With the picture of Declan and his new elf friend on the dining room table.

Declan’s elf joined the party the next day.  I was even excited to see where the big kids hid them all.

The YouTube videos on rotation now are all about this spritely elf (I don’t know why I am surprised there are so many of them).  The talk is all about the elf.  I even walked passed Declan as he stared at the elves and their pets as he professed his love to them all.

And I can smile and enjoy ALL of this especially, since I don’t have to remember to move them.

16 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Back… Back Again…

  1. Fantastic problem solve! I love that the big kids are helping out😍 I remember getting older daughter to help with stuff for younger and it made her feel grown-up to be in on a secret.
    And hurray! One less worry for mom!

    We’ve never considered the elf. Tooooo many things still get broken. Plus, cause and effect is still shaky ground. Poor elf wouldn’t last a day and being good to stay off the naughty list?? Not there yet.

    Well done Declan trying for courteous. That’s a big word to know and use, spelling it is tricky for lots of people. And what a terrific list topper!! That’s a parenting shining moment there!

    1. Oh my gosh, the big kids are saving me this year and actually allowing me to enjoy the elf, and not worry over it – it’s great!
      I don’t think Declan thinks the elf is out to tattle on him. He just loves seeing him and talking with him (even though the elf never talks back). But to Declan the elf symbolizes all the fun of Christmas – especially in playing hide and seek everyday. And the best part is that I don’t have to do the hiding anymore 🙂

    1. I definitely like that he is willing to take risks with his writing. Before I had to spell every word so that whatever he wrote was correct. And I am SO glad the big kids are in to keeping the Christmas spirit alive and well with the elf. Really makes it easier on me (and makes the elf more enjoyable).

  2. I’ve never seen an elf with a broken leg before 😂I’m glad it’s all gone smoothly and Declan will be thrilled with the elf’s antics this year I’m sure. His handwriting is getting on really well. I see you’ll have to be baking Christmas cookies soon 😉This makes me want one of those elf on the shelf things!
    Caz xx

    1. I’m sorry, Caz! For some reason your comment went to my spam (?) Thank you for the compliment on his handwriting. He has hated to write in the past and now he is really enjoying making lists – and practice makes perfect so I am just happy he is doing it! It is fun to see where the elf ends up each morning 🙂 Way more fun than the stress of remembering to move it – whew! Glad the big kids are helping me out 🙂

  3. It’s amazing how creative we get when we’re trying to solve problems or avert potential ones, so well done with the elves. And it’s so good that you all pitched in to help. That shows seasonal family spirit at it’s best! Love the list approach too. Seems a good idea. I should do more lists for myself – it might help concentrate my mind a bit more at this frantic time of year! Great read, Robyn. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Alli! Definitely need some help to remember to move “the spirit of Christmas” elf which has enveloped Declan interests completely right now. So glad to have some help! 🙂

  4. Sweet idea! Our elf has also arrived – and, because Scott works overnights (and comes home around 3:30am), when I forget he is able to move the elf before we wake up. Yayyyy for teamwork! (Just 24 more days….)

  5. Sounds like great elf fun will be had. This retired second grade teacher loves your son’s writing. Just know that ake vs ack is a battle for a lot of 2nd graders.

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