Everything is so…NORMAL!

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I was back in position.  Sitting on the pool bench in between two yellow lines indicating six feet.  “On duty” as I monitored Declan in the water, while he played with his marine toys and swam to the farther ladder.

What Declan lacks in swimming skills he has gained in height.  Declan can go deeper now, not because he is a better swimmer but because he is taller.

I looked to the side and watched a girl gently swing her arms and hips to a memorized dance routine while she waited for sunscreen.  I had seen the dance a hundred times before.  Not the same one, but the movement.

“Tik-Tok,” I said out loud and looked back at the water.  Declan was hoisting himself up the ladder in new, deeper waters and began to walk towards me.

“Hey mom,” Declan said, “Can I ask you a question?”


Declan smiled, causing all the skin below his goggles to fold.

“Want to see me do that again?”

I smiled in return.

“Sure!” I said, and laughed.

With a mighty jump, Declan cannonballed into the water, readjusted his goggles, and put his head in the water, splashing swimming his way back to the second ladder.

We were back at the pool.  Right when I asked, “how are they going to open the pool?” I got the email explaining how.  Enter through one gate, exit through the other.  Wear masks in the bathroom. No basketball, wiffleball, or playground.  Sit six feet apart.  No guests allowed. No concession stand.  Please limit your stay to two hours.

“Well, okay then,” I thought, and there we were.

Earlier in the day, I had been to the grocery store.  No arrows were indicating which way I had to walk down an aisle.  There was no corral at the end of one’s shopping trip for guests to wait to be told which register to go to.  I was able to pick my register.  There were fewer people and more food available.

If it were not for the mask, the trip felt almost – normal.

I drove down the street to see the wine and liquor stores, which had closed in March, were open again .  A quick online check to see if it too was open led me to the DMV to wait in an hour and a half long line to get my newly expired license amended. 

But to really TEST the normal waters, I decided to try something “normal.”  I needed a new pool bag.  The straps on last year’s pool bag had ripped off.  For three months, I have ordered everything I needed online.  Just as I was getting into my online ordering position, the light bulb clicked.

“I could go to an actual store and buy one.”

So, I did.  Not only did I walk out of a store with a new pool bag, but I also had a gallon of bleach—something else I have not seen in three months.

As quickly as my world shut down in March, it is opening back up.  Soccer practices are scheduled to start next week.  No contact, just the team on the field doing ball drills to work on footwork.  Basketball schedules are set to begin in July.  But most of all, the kids have been reunited with their friends. 

The mom taxi is in full effect.  Bobby gets dropped at a nearby lake to paddleboard or kayak with the other ‘boys of summer.’ Catelyn has been dropped at friend’s houses to ride bikes or play in a pool.  It appears we parents have agreed to let our kids get together and play.  Safely, separate, outside.

I keep going to the CDC website to watch the numbers in the US.  Although the numbers of new cases aren’t going way down, they aren’t spiking either. 

Our lives are moving forward, precautiously, right alongside the virus.

Thankfully, a rainy morning has led to lazy bodies.  There are no calls for rides, no scheduled playtimes.  It has been a time for me to appreciate where we are, where we were, and wonder what tomorrow will bring and what new risks we may be willing to take.

22 thoughts on “Everything is so…NORMAL!

  1. I just learned that Long Beach has resumed dine-in food service (with social distancing). I don’t know when I’ll give that a go but it’s nice to know the option exists.

    I read that AZ and some other state (one of the Carolinas??) had alarming spikes this week. AZ notified their ERs to prepare. So I’m gonna keep up the isolation awhile longer.

    I’m really envious that Declan got to play in a pool. It looks soooo inviting!!

    1. I don’t usually go in, but I must admit, it looked so cool and refreshing that I did. It was cold! But nice.
      I don’t think there are any restaurants near me for dine in yet – but I had to google the DMV. So, maybe there are. If all keeps going this way we will be in green in another week or so (I think). Who knows anymore! I can’t keep up.

      1. I quit trying to keep up! I read something that implied local restaurants had reopened but didn’t no for sure till I saw one with a sign yesterday. If I go to a restaurant it will have to offer patio dining. I’m not willing to risk enclosed spaces with masks off!

  2. Things are opening up here too. It never really seemed closed to me with the businesses near my house being open. Just school… I havent heard yet if there will be a summer session.🤞

    I’ve loved the 3 or 4 times I had to use the freeway, how empty it was. I think masks and plexiglas at cash registers is going to be around awhile.

    My car’s tags expired March 24th. I paid the fees but it needs to be smog certified. I haven’t heard if the DMV is open yet. No sense taking the car to the smog guy if he cant send the info🤷🏼‍♀️

    I’m glad your kids are getting some friend time in. That’s got to make things better at home.💖

    1. My fingers are crossed for a summer session for you and Ben!! I really hope that works out!!
      I bet the empty freeway is nice. I’ve never been to California but that is one thing I think I did know – there is usually a lot of traffic. It’s good to get a break!
      I was checking on our DMV but didn’t see anything. When I saw the liquor stores were reopened, I figured I’d check. It was busy (and mask-y) but I am glad to be done with that.
      I’m happy for them too. I am also writing down on my calendar where they are going each day – so at the end of the summer if they say they didn’t do anything, I’ll have a reminder 😉

  3. Same here as well. Even the Zoos are. Feels a bit risky as the European countries are down to single figure daily deaths and we are between 100 and 400 a day. So pleased the kids are getting some time to be kids. We just need to remember how to talk to other adults again.

    1. Totally. Let the kids lead the way 🙂 I think the US is still around 17,000 new cases a day. That is a lot to me. The big fear now is if people forget to take the necessary precautions. Wear the mask, wash your hands, don’t touch your face….I just hope people don’t forget the basics. Even in the green phase the virus is still going to be there even if everything is open and we are expected to participate.

  4. This post and the picture of Declan in the water cheered me up and made me smile. I am so so so happy the pool opened up for him and that soccer practices are back in the picture.

    I miss our weekly Saturday public pool time SO MUCH. Our government announced its part of “phase 2” of reopening but I am genuinely curious as how to that is going to work with hordes of families looking for things to do and to cool off in the summer. Your post gives me some sort of idea!

    Enjoy this return to some form of normalcy!!!

    1. Same! When I saw pools were going to be open in the yellow phase I had no idea how that was going to work. So far, so good in that people aren’t rushing to the pool, or if they are, they aren’t going the same time we are. We never were ones to stay very long anyway – Declan has a good hour in him before he is ready to leave which works for lifeguard me. I *think* we are a week away from going green – I wonder what that will look like too.
      I hope you get some time to chill at the public pool in your new phase, that it isn’t too crowded and you get some time to enjoy the summer doing summery things!

  5. Where are we going? You know me, doom and gloom. I’m not opposed to reopening but I’m already sick of articles talking about covid19 spikes like it’s a surprise. If people spend time together unmasked, cases will rise. My unscientific observations of gettysburg tell me that 20% of the people don’t care. No masks in crowded places. That’s 20% more of the population exposing themselves than during lockdown. Cases will go up. Mountain bike practices start in two weeks. Eli and I will be exposed to others 3x per week. I think it’s time to take the fatalistic approach of ‘if we get it, we get it.’

    1. That is kind of where I am too. In all of our new outings I do not feel I have been close to anyone unmasked but I have been in new areas doing new things. Can I get it this way, or can I get it that way – the story is always changing now. Who knows. But we are slowly breaking out and if we get it, I guess we get it.

  6. As things open, I am still doing curbside pickups and staying away from public places. As I sat waiting for my order at a department store, I noticed that some people wear masks and some don’t. Pool regulations here require that chairs be removed from the deck. Many of the local municipalities have announced that they will not open pools this year. Parks department funding comes from sales tax revenue which of course took a hit during lockdown. I’m glad you enjoyed your time at the pool.

    1. I did not expect our pool to open. I told the kids right from the start to expect everything to be closed. And I was kind of hoping for it because then my payment would apply to next year (I think – so many places aren’t giving money back). Everyone around here still wear masks to go into stores – there are signs indicating you have to in order to go inside. But since we went yellow there isn’t anyone from the store making sure everyone is coming in with a mask.Thank you!

    1. Me too! I heard a commercial encouraging us to “rebuild our new routine.” Really made me start thinking about the newness of our situation!

  7. This sounds so great! We are starting to slowly reopen here too. Nats had her first friend over (outside visit) and we have gotten used to wearing masks. Yayyyy for swimming and bringing back some normalcy!

    1. Thank you! It is really great to be moving forward – cautiously. I still think some things are moving faster than I would like – but I figure as long as we can keep our distance from each other and keep wearing masks for a bit – hopefully we can keep enjoying this new version of being together. I’ll take it!

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