Chew on This!

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“If you take if from the left-hand side, then you have to take it from the right.”

Algebra has entered our house.  Thankfully, I enjoy math and have turned into an Algebra tutor.

“Wait a sec,” I added, “This doesn’t go here.”

I turned my pencil over to erase.  And tore a hole in the paper.

“What the heck?” I asked turning the pencil over for closer inspection, “Where’s the eraser?”

Instead of seeing the eraser in the pencil where it should have been there was a gaping hole.


Declan stopped bouncing on his trampoline and looked at me.

“Oh.  Sorry.” He said and started to bounce again.

“Declan, did you chew the eraser?” I asked.

“I SAID SORRY!” He yelled and returned to his bounce.

Bobby and I leaned in to look at the other pencils in the pencil container.  I began to flip them all over only to find all the erasers gone.  I inspected the wood to find it chewed.  I pulled out pens to see the end caps removed and the back ends destroyed.


And with my mouth open I looked at Declan.  Happily bouncing with excitement, chewing the wire on his headphones.

“Declan, stop chewing the wire.”

“Fine!” He yelled and continued his groove.

Then I thought back to all the headphones replaced for broken wires.  Had he really been chewing them all?

Later, as I was putting laundry away, I started to look at the pencils I was finding everywhere.  All completely chewed.  All missing all or large parts of the erasers.

The next day I was prepared.  I put his chewy tubes by his trampoline.  If he would like to chew on something while he bounced, okay.  Let’s give him what he is supposed to chew.


And it worked!  As he bounced, he chewed!  On what he was supposed to!

Until he began to walk around the house, and it was misplaced.

Another was found and chewed.  And I began a steady rotation of locating the lost one in preparation for when the current one was misplaced.

Then, the light bulb hit.  I bet someone else out there has been down this path, so I did the search.

Happy to say I found exactly what I was looking for. 

A chewy necklace.  One that he can wear, so even if he wants to put it down for a second it does not get misplaced.  Always available!


Santa’s elves thoughtfully put 2 in his stocking.  And another chewie for the end of a pencil.  Those clever elves! 😊

Seeing all my pencils without erasers was a big reminder of ALL of Declan’s sensory needs.  It is not just his body, but his mouth has sensory needs as well!

When I read about oral sensory needs online (found here) I learn:

1.      It is completely normal and typical to have the sensory preference and need to chew, suck, or bite on something…even when you are not hungry or thirsty. This applies to every single one of us…some just take it to a more intense level.

2.      Oral sensory input (biting, chewing, sucking,) is one of the most effective ways to self-regulate and support attention to task.



Happy to say that he chews on these now – when he is bouncing or even when he is just sitting watching his device.

(I am also currently wondering how many times he calls for food, stating vehemently he is hungry (even though he just ate) that he is in need to chew on something?  Still trying to figure that one out and will keep you posted!)

But this house gives two big thumbs up to sensory chew toys!

24 thoughts on “Chew on This!

  1. Our Sammy has been a chewer for MANY years – luckily she can manage gum and we stock pile sugar free gum for home, car, and school/backpack. WE tried the necklaces and other items but she does not like them. Seeing this makes me wonder if she might like a lighter weight one since the girly ones she picked out for necklaces ended up being quite heavy and she lost one at school first day because she took it off. Thanks as always for sharing your family’s story.

    1. Sure! I am always so happy to connect with others that are going through the same issues 🙂 Declan swallows the gum like candy – but that is a great idea. Gum is probably really great for meeting those sensory needs!

  2. Oh wow! These are great! Speaking as a parent of a 7 year old that still heavily relies on a pacifier at night, I have wondered if she needs other things during the day for anxiety or if something like these toys can help her at night!

    1. Haha – you are right! I have had a couple of “No, no! Drop that you silly dog!” moments 🙂

  3. I knew this because 2 years ago Isobelle bit into her iPad. Needless to say it was ruined .Thankfully it did no harm to her, but boy was she upset. No more expensive technology for her.

    1. Yikes! Declan has chewed through some strange things through the years, but never electronics. Glad she was okay!

  4. My son is 2 and a teeth grinder 😭
    I have tried so hard to get him to chew on a necklace, a toy, ANYTHING other than scraping his own teeth together – all with no luck :/

    I so hope he outgrows it with time – I’ve grown weirdly accustomed to that grating sound but it’s going to ruin his teeth one day, and when it happens in public I can tell other people are getting goosebumps!!

    1. Oooh, yes I can relate. Declan used to grind his teeth as well. I am not sure when it stopped – but thankfully it did. I used to worry about his teeth too! Hopefully it will pass with your son as well 🙂

  5. This is great alternative to chewing the erasers off of pencils. I am on the spectrum myself and am going to be working with those who have Autism. I really appreciate you spreading awareness of the issues that those with autism face

  6. Through college, I used to chew my hard plastic pens until they would disintegrate in my mouth. Then I would chew the ink reservoir until it gave me a mouthful of ink. Now I just chew on my teeth which isn’t so gross, but it’s definitely doing lasting damage. I wonder what they’d think at work if I wore a chewy necklace.

    1. Maybe someone would ask you if you where you got it so they could get one? 🙂 There is always the robot shaped pencil topper – little less conspicuous 🙂

  7. These necklaces are so great! We got one for our son that looked like a dog tag and it worked fantastic! And they look like cool and not a baby thing for those bigger kids. Which of course he was concerned with! Glad this helped him!

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