Autism, Head Banging and Other Self-Harming Behavior

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“Oh my gosh, please make him stop!” I implored my husband as we sat in horror.

Declan was on all fours, screaming and crying.  And every few moments he would bang his head repeatedly on the floor.  HARD.

My husband and I were terrified.  We had never seen such rage lead to such attempts at self-injury.  And we would do anything we could to make it stop.

Declan used to bang his head on the ground during the time when the speech he had left him.  He was so very frustrated.  We were unable to communicate with each other and were trying desperately to find a way that worked – PECS, signing, signs around the house.

I didn’t know if he was in pain.  I didn’t know if he was hungry or thirsty.  I didn’t know if the lights were too bright or the sounds were too loud.

I was sad that I didn’t know a lot of little things about Declan because he couldn’t tell me, like what his favorite color was.

Declan would get frustrated.  And would resort to biting himself.  Or worse, bang his head as hard as he could against the ground, over and over.

Thankfully, Declan does not engage in self-injurious behaviors anymore.  As time went on we helped him find other ways to express his frustration.  I let him squeeze my arm if we are out,  At home, he goes to his trampoline or couch to jump.

And really, his frustration levels significantly decreased once his speech came back to him and he could communicate his wants or needs.  (And P.S. his favorite color is orange).

Autism Parenting Magazine provided me this infographic to post about autism, head banging and other self harming behavior.  And I find the information really valuable.

And just as before, if you click the infographic you will be taken to Autism Parenting’s blog for more useful information about the subject.  Check it out!


Autism, Head Banging and other Self Harming Behavior


4 thoughts on “Autism, Head Banging and Other Self-Harming Behavior

  1. Always thought head banging would cause severe injury! Never considered the fact the head was created to survive a kid’s first attempts at walking. Now at least I have suggestions in case I am forced to baby sit a small child. Thanks for the information!

    1. Me too! I was so worried that Declan was causing damage to his brain when he hit it like he did – this info was very helpful!

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