Autism Acceptance

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“AAAAHHHHH,” the man yelled and punched himself on his left cheek three times as I walked past.

I heard the man’s aid ask him, “You alright?  Do you want to stay? Or do you want to sit outside.”

The man signaled he wanted to say and pulled his shirt over his head.  He let out a hefty scream, muffled by the cotton of his shirt.  Then he punched himself in the head three more times.

We were at Urban Air for another Special Needs night.

I was following my kids around, helping them have a wonderful night.  Other parents, aids or workers were with their special people helping them have a wonderful night.

And it was all brought to us by an organization that opened their doors for one special night and accepted the special needs community in to come and participate in a really fun activity.

Autism Acceptance

When I was interviewed by Autism Articulated I was asked the following question and responded.

what are your hopes for catelyn and declan’s future and for the future of autism awareness in our communities?

In the future, I hope Catelyn and Declan are happy, whatever that happiness may look like.  Autism didn’t take anything from Catelyn or Declan’s future. I know that whatever they put their minds to, they will be able to accomplish.

My hopes for autism awareness in our communities? That autism awareness leads to acceptance and inclusion. At our church, we were told that Declan would need to go into the special needs room. When they ran out of teachers for that room, the doors to the special needs room closed. The church then closed its doors to our family. I realized they were aware of autism, but they could not find a way to accept the differences and allow for inclusion in their environment. I think this is true in many areas of different communities. I hope that awareness continues to extend itself into acceptance and inclusion for people on the autism spectrum.


As an autism parent, I spread autism awareness.  Autism awareness became very near and dear to me when autism entered my family.  I spread information about autism to anyone that will ask, listen or read to what I have to say.

I also encourage autism ACCEPTANCE.  For individuals to try and understand and accept one another, regardless of their differences.

Acceptance is a choice.  It is an action.  And every person has this choice.


Acceptance is an Individual’s CHOICE

As we begin Declan’s transition into Elementary school, he will be greeted with a whole new set of potential friends, teachers, aid and therapists.  As Catelyn continues to move to the next grade each year – both children will be given teachers that will be told the children are on the autism spectrum.  They will be notified of their goals and of their strengths.

The professionals will be AWARE.

But it will be up to each professional to accept the children for their differences.  To understand and include the children in all the activities.  To not make them feel like they are any less of a person.

Acceptance in Action

There are a lot of wonderful people out there that accept people regardless of their differences.  I met 2 boys a few weeks ago that accepted Declan and included him in their play at the playground.

We value the organizations that open their doors to our family and provide our, and other special needs families, the time to participate in an activity that would be difficult during normal business hours.

We value the INDIVIDUALS that go above and beyond to understand, accept and include individuals with differences.

Do you recall these wonderful people?



Sports Clips stylist, Kaylen sits on the floor with 4-year-old Isaiah, who has autism, for a hair cut.


British barber, Jim Williams get’s on the floor with Mason, a child with autism, to give him his first real hair cut.

I think it is fair to mention, this is also how Declan’s first trip to the dentist went.  They did the exam on the floor.


Mall Santa goes the extra mile for a boy with autism


Travis Rudolph, a football player for Florida State, eats his lunch with Bo Paske.  Bo is a boy with autism who is used to having eat his lunch alone.


Broadway actor, Kevin Moon Loh writes a letter to a boy with autism that interrupted Moon Loh’s broadway show.

You can find the entire letter, here

Autism awareness month is fast approaching.  I will be spreading autism awareness.  But I also will be encouraging autism acceptance. For individuals to try and understand and accept one another, regardless of their differences.

There are a lot of great stories of autism acceptance out there.  I can’t wait to see it everywhere!



19 thoughts on “Autism Acceptance

  1. Ofcourse, inclusion is the keyword! It’s like any other minority. In God’s or Nature’s eyes, all are equal.
    I’m so sorry, decorum spoils the party for all.
    Look forward to your stories.

    1. Yes, we have our work cut out for us 😉 I am so thankful for the awareness road that has been paved ahead of us and am glad you are there working on this with me. High 5! That’s awesome!

    1. Yes, that helped us too. But sometimes even sitting on my lap during a haircut or dentist visit was still too much. At least at first. Now he does great with those visits!

  2. I pray that one day people with any difference be it autism or disability will not be looked on as different, just seen as the wonderful souls that they are going through life with what they have been given. I’ve told you many times that you have my admiration and respect for the work that you do in bringing awareness to the masses. 🌹

  3. Love that actor’s message! Now if only the rest of the world could think that way, but I seriously doubt it will happen anytime in the lives of you and your wonderful children.

    The scene of the play you described would have made me extremely scared, as a child of an abusive father. Would not have had the courage to attend that show.

  4. Thank you for the photos. I was moved by them, especially the Santa! And the Broadway actor was so right. The theatre is also part of the audience reaction. The child’s reaction may have been a very different one but it may well have been inspired by the performance on stage as it was during an emotional scene. I applaud this actor for posting about this and about his reaction. Acceptance. This is something that is lacking in many areas not just acceptance of children with autism. I wish the very best for both of your children: a world of acceptance and understanding. You are enlightening me with regard to autism and I am sure many others as well. Thank you.

    1. I agree – acceptance is sadly lacking in many areas. Thank you very much! I am glad the things I write are enlightening. I find your posts do the same for me. I used to ride English for many years when I was younger and enjoyed my lessons and small shows we used to do. I enjoy reading about your competitions, team, horses and the discipline itself. I find it fascinating and it takes me back to my youth. Thank you!

  5. Acceptance of difference is so incredibly important! I have a brother who is wheelchair bound, and he hates going out in public because he’s embarrassed. I wish people could just incorporate difference into society. People are people! Let’s treat them like it!

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