A Tale of Time and Star Wars

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A cloaked figure stood before me at my desk with a plastic light saber in a gloved hand.  One eye slightly twitching.

I looked up to the face and furrowed my brow.

Is that red marker on his eye lid?

“I have come to avenge my father,” he creepily whispered, wizard like hand extended out in front.

I turned from my computer, dropped my head to see over my reading glasses and lifted my brow.


“No….My father is….Darth MAUL!”  Throwing his hand in the air and adding bravado to his final bit.

“Oh.  Wow!  Okay.” I shifted my glasses from my nose to the top of my head and sat back.  I could tell this was going to be an enjoyable conversation.

“He died 60 million years ago…”

“That is a long time ago.”

“Yes.  And I am 53 years old.”

“Your 53?  And your dad died 60 million years ago?”


“Well, okay,” I said, pointing to Declan, Darth Maul’s son, “That is something special for sure.”

“Well, actually 60 million years ago was 1999 because that was when the movie was made.”

“Right.  1999,” I shrugged in acceptance, “That was when the movie was made.”

“I have been living for 50 years on an ice planet since.  Now I am here to get revenge on OBI-WAAAAAN!”

“That must have been lonely.  Fifty years?”


“What did you do with all that time?”

“I TRAINED!”  A gallant effort at a karate kick with plastic light saber unfolded.  The light saber sliced through the air.  I skootched back in my chair.

“Wow!  I’ll say!  You are ready to fight!”

“Yes!  I will get that Obi WAAAAAN!  Do you know what else I did while I was there?”

“I can definitely assure you I am excited to hear.”

“What?” Declan asked in confusion.

“Sorry – what else did you do while you were there?

“I protected the ice planet from Wampa’s and other poisonoussssss creatures……” More kicking and plastic light saber slicing through air.

“Wow!  So, is that how you got that red line on your eyelid?”

“That?  No, not from fighting Wampa’s.  That is my scar.  Anakin is my third brother and I, like him, have the scar.  And I wear a glove, Just. Like. Anakin.”

“Anakin is your third brother?”  I pursed my lips and pulled them back, nodding and added, “And Darth Maul is your father?”

“Yesssss!  I must fight now!”

And off Declan ran to have an imaginary air battle to revenge his father’s death.

I smiled as Declan left and thought, his imagination knows no bounds.  And sometimes, I guess, neither do timelines or relatives.  I pulled my glasses down to my face and return to my computer and state,

“That, was thoroughly enjoyable,” returning to my work at hand.

19 thoughts on “A Tale of Time and Star Wars

    1. I agree – it is great to be reminded of a different self created world 🙂 Hahaha – well, maybe there is story in his head he would be acting out 🙂

  1. How brilliant is that? My son is just getting into Star Wars, so hopefully we’ve got similar scenes to play out in the future. Go Declan! May the force be with you, and us all…

  2. My love for Star Wars ended with the newer (further back in timeline releaeses). Too much pointless killing for me. Favorite is still “Return of the Jedi”! The Ewoks were too cute for words.

    1. Aww, they were too cute! My favorite is still The Empire Strikes Back. Although I have to say – I really liked Rogue One – thought that one was really good!

  3. Eli has just started getting into star wars. About five years ago, we as a family watched the 1st two (and yes I know they are episode 4 & 5) and no one really liked them. His older cousins are obsessed so he is joining the pack. But he’s only watching the episodes while visiting with cousins, Other than Obiwan, I have no idea who those people in your story are.

    1. You know, I don’t think anyone here liked 4 or 5 either (Except for me). I didn’t like the new ones they came out with until the recent ones. There are so many characters – I get lost sometimes too. I did really like Rogue One though. I thought that one was really good.

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