light blue one use medical protective masks

A Creature of Habit

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I am a creature of habit.

This can be good; this can be bad.  When I find myself doing something unhealthy simply because I’ve made it a habit (staying up too late at night), I try to change the behavior.  On the flip side, when I find I’m habitually doing something good (mixed fruit for breakfast), I go with it.

Most of the time, I do not even think about what I am doing.  I usually get used to doing things a certain way, and the habits become routine.  Very little thought goes into the high-level stuff.  My thoughts are focused instead on the details.

The other day I sat in my car outside of my gym and did a mental checklist before I walked in for class.

Water bottle – check.

Sweat towel – check.

Hair tie – check.

Mask – check.

Keys – check.

Feeling satisfied that I was adequately prepared, I left my car and entered the gym.

I said hello to my gym instructor as she perused the music stations on Pandora.  And then I kind of stared at her.  Something was off.

She’s tall, but she seemed really tall.  Her hair was the same.  Her eyes smiled the same way.  Just as strong as when I saw her last.

I stood by the front table and remembered they were no longer taking your temperature to come in for class.  I picked up my lifting log and headed to a station at the barbell.

Others walked in, and I was just as confused for about a minute when it hit me.

No one was wearing a mask.

I was confused because I had never seen their maskless faces before.  These people had mouths and teeth that went with their smiling eyes – mouths that I had never seen before.

Suddenly, I felt foolish for wearing a mask.  In my station, I pulled it down to my chin and chatted with the people in stations nearby.

There was no announcement by the gym stating you could enter maskless.  No email, no phone call.  It just happened.  At least, it appeared that way to me.

This small business appeared to go with the CDC allowing fully vaccinated people to enter maskless.

Or I guess they were fully vaccinated. It was brought to my attention by an anti-vaxxer on Facebook that it is rude to ask a person if they had been vaccinated or not.

“It’s none of your business.”

Apparently, no one asks about their other vaccines; why would anyone start asking about this one?

When I thought about who I may have asked about their vaccination status, it was merely to discover whether or not they had any side effects with their shots.  If so, what were they? Was any special care taken beforehand by those who did not experience any side effects? Any particular vitamins or hydration levels?

Now, all of a sudden, this question is taboo.

When Bob proudly stated to a neighbor his vaccination status, he learned that she, too, is an anti-vaxxer.

“Good luck with that third arm you are going to grow.”

The anti-vaxxers that I know left their masks at home when the CDC lifted the masking guidelines. If I didn’t know them, I would just assume they were vaccinated when I saw them maskless in public.

For the first time in a long time, I was nervous walking into the grocery store.  Many stores in our area have lifted masks for vaccinated individuals. 

I’m a creature of habit.  I wore a mask.  Was I going to be in the minority? Is the new question going to be, “Why are you wearing a mask?”

For THAT trip, no.  I was among other masked faces. I am comfortable in my mask.  I plan to wear it for a while. 

I guess there will be a day when I shop mask-free, but this habit will stick for now. That’s me.  On the other hand, Bob ditched his. He’s done with them unless a store requires it. That’s him.

COVID continues to evolve.  It continues to keep me on my toes and planning my next steps.  In the meantime, I will make my choices. I will continue to enter stores with a mask. And I will watch others make theirs – and then plan accordingly.

*Updated – 5/21/21

32 thoughts on “A Creature of Habit

  1. I’m not a [[insert any social media labels here]] but if a stranger asked me if I were vaccinated, to be honest I’d feel very uncomfortable. It really isn’t any of their business. But I doubt you (you personally) would go up to everyone at the gym, like a bee from flower to flower, asking.

    So that’s not really a realistic scenario outside of Facebook! 😅

    I’m sure it’s fine to ask your friends. But to be honest, I don’t want strangers asking me.

    In my area of Colorado, there’s about a 50-50 mask/unmasked ratio, because the vaccines take about a month. For instance, my husband is fully vaccinated and probably immune by now. I’m still waiting on my second dose. I also want the shingles vaccine. Might as well let you know that since I’m oversharing. haha

    But as a friend I would recommend not letting people on Facebook get you worried about things that are most likely not happening out in the real world. You wear your mask if you want to. It’s also nobody else’s business if you do! People in Asian countries have been wearing masks since before the pandemic for normal precaution, and nobody is makes a big deal of it.

    Sorry for the rant! You wear your mask if you want! Forget Facebook 🤗❤️

    1. If someone asked me on Facebook, or any social media sight, I would be uncomfortable too. This person was making a general statement that they were frustrated that this was a question they were tired of hearing from their circle of friends and this was their response to their friends. I hadn’t considered this point of view before. I figure you get the shot or not – that’s up to you. And I feel a lot of times the conversation comes up with something like, “I got my first (or second) shot the other day…” And that is when I wanted to know if the person had a reaction or not. Seems like a 50/50 on the reaction thing too. Same for the masking here. I’ll keep mine on for a bit. I am thinking like the person on Facebook, I may get frustrated if people do ask me over and over, “Why are you still wearing a mask?” I do like the percaution – and I like not having any sicknesses this past year!
      Haha! Good talk! I will keep that bad boy for a bit longer and no you’ve got my back! 😉 🙂

    2. I just realized how the post reads like I asked the person about their vaccination status, but I didn’t – they just made this general Facebook post how they were tired of hearing the question. I will update the post now! Thanks!

      1. My bad, no worries! 🤗 What I meant is, I hope nobody bothers you about this. I’m also keeping my mask on for a while longer. According to the pamphlets I was given, it will take a few weeks after my 2nd shot for me to be immune. I want to make sure I’m safe before not using it. I don’t want to get sick. As a wise woman once said, ain’t nobody got time for that 😄

  2. Unless you got the J&J vaccine, you aren’t “fully vaccinated” until two weeks after your second shot. I plan to keep masking until then. After that, I haven’t decided. If anyone asks why you’re wearing a mask, you can always tell them it’s none of their business. 😉

    1. If it comes to that, that may be exactly what I’ll say. The mask is my friend. Especially in stores or crowded places!

  3. I have got my covid shots still I feel masks are important at least for few more months. We don’t know which strain of the virus will evolve in coming times and the shots will still be effective or not.
    We are just in wait n watch status. We need to wait.
    I think it’s perfectly alright if someone is wearing a mask or just walking mask less.
    But to be on the safer side, we must continue wearing a face covering, just for our safety.

    1. Yes, exactly. Even the CDC is saying that the vaccine is not 100% effective. I agree. This is totally a watch and wait time. I’ll be wearing my mask too!

  4. I’ve had both my jabs but I will still continue to wear my mask 😷 and it wouldn’t bother me at all if someone asked me if I’d been vaccinated.

    1. Yeah, I am sure that when we start to do more things it will be a common question. I’ve only heard it from friends, but I imagine every public venue is going to want to know (or want to see proof even).

  5. I feel like I’m in some kind of limbo with the sudden changes. Both the ability to go maskless and things open to full capacity happened at the same time here. I think that I, too, will be wearing a mask in stores for a while.

    1. I think it is just safer like someone said before – I feel like we are all just watching and waiting to see how things unfold or what happens next. I think I will mask until that next *thing* happens.

  6. All the stores here are still requiring masks. I’ve passed my 2 weeks post 2nd shot, so I’m as safe as possible, but I’ve only completed ditched my mask once… on accident. I forgot to bring one on my walk.😲 I usually wear it under my chin when I walk… just in case.

    I will keep mine on for now inside businesses, and around unknown people.

    My daughter’s friend, who is also a nurse, had a patient who was fully vaxed but tested positive. They didn’t have symptoms, but they had the virus. Were they contagious? They didn’t know. They lived with people who had symptoms, but noone knew the source for sure.

    We have all these masks, might as well wear them😉

    1. I’ve heard that too. That you can be vaccinated but still test positive. I’ve heard you can still be a spreader in that case, but who knows. Everything is all so new. I agree. I have a ton of masks – no sense in letting them go to waste!

  7. When someone asks me why I’m still wearing a mask, I’m going to answer f– you. I didn’t give anyone a hard time about not wearing them, I expect the same courtesy. I’m not ready.

    1. Yes, exactly. I don’t care what someone else decides to do, just leave me alone. I’m not ready either.

      1. The Gettysburg Farmers market seems to be my guide. Last week, maybe half the people were masked. This week less than 20% and none of the vendors wore masks–a huge change from last week. I suspect cases will start increasing again. Only a third of our county is vaccinated.

  8. It is nice to hear that things seem to be heading back to somewhat of a normal down there in the US.

    But I have to say that I am with you on taking the cautious approach until things get back to fully normal and a certain percentage of the population is fully vaccinated.

    I feel like we’re not quite out of the woods yet so let’s just hang in a bit longer.

    I think the interesting thing about social media is most people who are looking for be vaccinated almost wear it as a badge of honour on their posts.

    And to those who would ask you why, I’d say it’s really none of their business.

    I think the transition back to normal life will be an interesting one for sure!

    1. I agree – this will be an interesting transition for sure!

      That is what I figure. It is no one else’s business if I still want to wear my mask. Who knows what is going to happen next? Better to just wait and see while still being protected!

  9. It depends on where I go now whether I wear my mask or not. Today, I went to the grocery store, not expecting it to be crowded. Once I got in and saw the number of people there, I put it on.

    1. Yeah, the stores get me nervous. Ours are always crowded and busy. But my running trail is not. And since it is outside and we can be six feet apart, I don’t mask for my runs. No one else does either. I guess it will depend on the situation and crowds for the future.

  10. Because we have different helpers coming in and out of our home, I have been quick to identify as vaxxed – to put them at ease – not even thinking that they may feel they have to reciprocate! It’s a murky time we’re living in, for sure. I agree- do what makes you feel comfortable! No one asks me why I am wearing a scarf, or red socks, or whatever….so why should a mask be any different?

    1. Good point! I have had some contracter’s come through to look at replacing a few windows and we all did the same. Identified as vaxxed or not to determine our comfort level. But when I go out into a store or crowded zone, the mask is on and will be for a while longer.

  11. In MA there will be no restrictions as of May 29th. I’m also nervous when masks are gone! It will take time for us to get used to what was a normal way of living. I too will wear my mask for a while. Until I get comfortable 😊

    1. Me too! I can imagine people will want to know why but everyone’s comfort level is different. And I am just not ready!

  12. I was wearing masks 2yrsbefore the pandemic, when I had a cold. I will wear them after, at a lot of places, because… less makeup and I look better. And colds. And smoke filled air during wildfires.

    Businesses aren’t checking vaccine status. I’m going with the assumption that everyone is unvaccinated…better safe than sorry.

    My coworker is an antimasker… never wore them. She insists it’s not a “real” pandemic and is no more serious than the flu.

    Calif is moving to almost no restrictions at all on Jun 15.

    1. Someone here told me that the YMCA is requiring any employee that wants to go mask free has to submit their vaccination card and the vaccination status has to be confirmed (as a pharmacist nearby stole some cards to give to people who didn’t want the vaccine but didn’t want restrictions either). I would think some places are going to require them as well. But until then, I think you are right. Better to assume everyone is unvaccinated and keep the mask, Better safe than sorry!

  13. I’m so with you Robyn. I’m cautious. I hear people say that so few are dying here that masks are a waste of time. But people are still suffering. 3000 new cases here a day. Plus masks reduce the chances of a new spike.

  14. I’ve been maskless at the park with my two sons, granddaughter and ex-wife and I had a lunch date that was outdoors and also maskless.

    Made it worth getting that awful second shot…

    1. I go maskless when I am outside – running the trails and whatnot. But I still haven’t had the courage to take it off for in store shopping. I don’t know when I will be ready for that.

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