7 Facts About…Me!

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7 facts about myself?  Okay!

BereavedSingleDad nominated me to tell 7 different facts about myself (sorry it took so long!  Thank you for the nomination!) and I thought – why not?

I thought for this piece I would write 7 things about me that I do not believe I have ever told anyone here before to make things more interesting.  I think most of you know that I enjoy long distance running, reading and writing.  That I’m married, have three kids, two on the autism spectrum.   I’m highly sensitive and very introverted.  And that I recently joined a gym.

Here are some things you may not have known about me –

1.      I hate ironing.  Really hate ironing.  But it is one of my weekly chores.  My husband must wear a dress shirt for work and since I would rather use the money that would go to a dry cleaner for something else, I iron.  I hate ironing so much that for a couple of years I would only iron the left arm sleeve of my husband’s shirts.  The left being the visible sleeve in our closet, while the right sleeve stayed tucked in the closet a wrinkled mess.  When I finally admitted to my husband of this dirty little trick I pulled for years, he gave a fist pump and whispered, “I knew it….”

2.      I get asked, “Do I know you?” frequently.  I mean like, all the time frequently.  I have heard it so often that I do not even look at the person before answering, “No.”  I have surmised that I have a very generic look.  Straight brown hair.  Brown eyes.  Not too big, not too little.  Very plain Jane.  In a sense, I guess you could say I have perfected the art of blending in.  I am plain Jane and I look like every other plain Jane out there.  So, I guess ONE OF US has met you before, but not me.

3.      A lot of people may know that I have my master’s degree in clinical psychology – and I worked in community mental health/crisis for many years.  What you may not know is that my last job working FT was not in MH.  I left MH for the most basic reason.  I was burnt out.  Little pay, little time off, no benefits, heavy cases.  After I left MH I went and worked as a sales rep for an international shipping company for heavy weight freight.  In my last job I was implanted in a customer’s location and monitored the importation of their MRI’s from Germany.  I left MH where I had trained and worked for years to do something, I had no training in – and more than doubled my salary overnight.  (Community MH workers are so very important, yet so undervalued – there’s a soapbox post I could someday).

4.      My favorite band is The Pixies.  I loved them in high school and continued to follow Frank Black’s albums when he went solo there for bit.  I even met Frank Black one night after one his shows on his “The Cult of Ray” tour with a few friends.  My friend that was with me that night has passed away since, which makes that moment even more special to me, and in turn, my love for The Pixies.

5.      I used to think my feet were the best things about myself.  Not to brag, I just felt like they were foot model worthy (totally kidding…MAYBE foot model worthy).  Then when I started running farther and farther, they got beat up.  Skin got hard in places, blisters formed and then just hardened into these knobby little creatures on the edges of bones.  My feet even grew a whole size!  Now I happily sit in a men’s size 9W.  And I am still hopeful my three lost toenails will find their way back.  I guess my feet are still special to me, just more in a Neanderthal way.

6.      I am sad to say – I am a back-seat driver to the core.  As a highly sensitive person, I am fully aware the road is a collection of bad drivers.  Drivers looking down at their phones, drivers crossing the lines in the middle of the road, drivers that stop WAY PAST the stop sign JUST to freak me out.  And why the heck would someone even CONSIDER driving with a dog on their lap?  As a driver, I am aware of and mad at them.  As a passenger I am fearful for my life every time the car moves.  I have even ripped the ceiling handle out of one of our cars.  I can’t help it.  MOST OF THE TIME, it’s not you, it’s me (Sorry!).

7.      My hero?  Jesus Christ.  Nuff said.

So, there you have it!  7 things about me that you didn’t know before.  Let me say that was fun, and if anyone wants to do this, my nomination goes to you.  Have fun!

20 thoughts on “7 Facts About…Me!

  1. Welcome to my club of ironing hater and back seat driver . I must add you have got really beautiful feet. It was nice to know you a little more through this post

  2. I have the same problem as a passenger. In 1995 i was hit by a car. and ever since I’ve had a serious flinch reflex in several driving situation when I’m not in charge of the wheel. Add in training a 16 year old to drive, and life is just hell. Plain Jane is counter to my impression of you. When I first met you I assigned you to the “pretty-girl” category and I was surprised that you had any problems at all (I have this stupid assumption that beautiful people have no worries). Later, my opinion was morphed from various facts I learned about you (punk rock, high school fast food slinging, social anxiety). Still don’t buy Plain Jane. That ironing thing is hilarious. And, um, he could iron his own shirts.

    1. I am seriously asked, “Do I know you?” ALL the time – I do have a problem with names and faces but it’s not THAT bad that this many people think they know me. I just think I have a generic look that lends to a lot of different people. Why else do all these people think they know me? It’s weird. He probably could and would if I put the proverbial foot down – with ADD he has a hard time remembering to turn it off. Move it so a kid doesn’t bump into it – yada, yada, yada – add in a bit of my control issues and I’m ironing (and complaining 🙂 ).

    1. I know! Ugh, I hate ironing. If I could avoid it I would happily forget the stupid contraption even exists 🙂

  3. I’m completely with you on the ironing. I hate it too, and will avoid it at all costs. My usual excuse is that I’ve got too much uni work to do, so if I’m lucky my husband will do some of it. If I have to do some, it’s usually with a nice glass of wine to hand to ease the blow! Nice trick with the sleeves though, I’ll remember that! Very impressed with your masters degree. An all round great post, Robyn, and thank you for making me smile!

    1. Oh boy, that wine idea may be a good one to help get through such an arduous task! Haha…the sleeves thing helped me so much mentally. 🙂 Thank you!

  4. Oh, those aren’t my feet – that picture is from Pixabay. But they used to look like that 🙂 Gosh, I hate ironing 🙂

    1. Hi. You spend so much of your time talking about and speaking up for others. It’s good to talk about yourself sometimes. Small world I used to purchase Medical Devices including quite a number of MRI scanners for the Hospitals in my area. Thank you for doing this.

  5. Love this! All of it!! Great read, Robyn!! Love the ironing fist bump! (We are kindred spirits in 3 and 7!) Thanks for this bright spot in the day!!

  6. I can totally relate to the feet thing 🙂 I have always liked my feet too for some reason. Its kind of nice to feel good about a part of the body that most would find gross.

    1. Thank you! Yes! I always thought my feet looked really good. Not too many people like their feet, so I am glad you can relate 🙂

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